Sunday, May 26, 2019
Abraham Lincoln †Symbol of the unlimited possibilities Essay
There are few men whose characters are so extraordinary that they can be credited with relieve a domain. The 16th president of the United States, Abraham capital of Nebraska was angiotensin converting enzyme such man. More than one hundred years after his assassination, Honest Abe as he has become known, shows no signs of losing his touch. He sits enshrined in his own monument with his storied words etched in stone around him. He commands respect, honour and the unfailing thanks of the the Statesn people. More than a thousand books have been published on his life and deeds. This is the man who not only if freed the slaves but who held the nation in concert through the terror of the Civil War. His bloody assassination has become the incubus scenario of leg devastation. The myths that make up the story of Abraham capital of Nebraska have been re-told many times. At their germ is the story about the boy born into the Kentucky wilderness, who had less than a year in total of form al schooling.That akin boy went on to become Americas most famous President. Lincolns rise from a poor pioneer family who taught himself to become a lawyer is the story of the American dream. From fix legislator to his nomination as Presidential candidate that dream is the stuff of legends. He has become a symbol of the unlimited possibilities of American life. To appreciate the bravery and the endurance that Lincoln undoubtedly showed, it is not enough to say that he saved the Union. Neither is it enough to say that he braved his critics to bring in emancipation and to end the appalling slave trade. To fully understand Lincolns achievements, is to try and gain an insight into American society of that time. The republic was only a subject area of a few decades old. In this melting pot of nationhood and states, political feelings ran high. Lincoln, above all, saw himself and his countrymen as inheritors of a sacred trust. He believed that democracy was entrusted into his hands an d those of his countrymen.He was prepared to stand up and fight for those beliefs. The fact is as laudable as these sentiments were, there could not possibly have been a more unmanageable time to try and put them into practice. The issue of slavery above all others dominated the day. It would split both politics and the country as a whole. Abraham Lincoln was not in two minds about slavery. He found it abhorrent. The fact is that many states, primarily in the North, stood against slavery. Many in the South did not. They were afraid that a Republican President effectively from the North would try and abolish slavery throughout the nation. Lincoln was elected President for his first term in 1860 at the point when a huge part of the Union, threatened to break away over the issue of slavery. The situation was for Lincoln neither a reason for withdrawal method nor Civil War. In his inaugural address he spoke about the need to find a peaceful way forwards.In spite of Lincolns plea, the Confederacy broke away and on March 4 1861 and the country erupted into the Civil War he had feared above all else. That scenario was a nightmare of complications and strategies that had to be won inside a cauldron of dissent. There was no road map. There were no precedents for dealing with states that had succeeded. Lincoln was at heart and by trade, a lawyer. He was not a soldier. However he did not flinch from his duty, or from the task in front of him. Where lesser men expertness have lost heart, Lincoln began the long struggle towards unity and reunification. When he judged that the time was right, he announced the abolition of the slave trade, issuing the emancipation announcement on January 1st 1863. The war took a heavy toll. Lincoln mourned the tragedy of lives lost on the battlefield. His speech after the battle of Gettysburg on November 19th 1863 is one of the most moving and famous of all elegies for fallen soldiers.In spite of high casualties and falling morale, when Atlanta finally fell to the Union, Lincoln was re-elected for a arcminute term. Lincolns second inaugural address is according to some, one of the greatest of all his speeches. In it, he looks forwards not only to the advent end of the war but also towards the future. His plea should never be forgotten, Malice towards none Charity towards all. Part of Abraham Lincolns bequest is the fact that he was very much a human figure. We know many details of his life including that of his courtship and quiet marriage to Mary Todd. Theirs was lovesome and loving relationship scarred by loss and tragedy. Of the four sons born to them, only one grew into adulthood. The quiet and loving home life the president enjoyed was in stark contrast to the violence and hatred that was tearing the nation apart. After the surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomatox on April 9 1865, a weary nation waited to see what Lincolns response would be.An expectant crowd gathered outside the White House. Lincoln address ed them for the last time. In his speech he tackled the thorny issues of reuniting a country split by war. In that same speech he talked about the rights of freed slaves. He now talked openly about dense suffrage. Listening in that crowd was one John Wilkes booth, a racist and a Confederate who vowed that this would be Lincolns last speech. Indeed it was. Booth assassinated the President on April 14th 1865. Mary his wife was sitting beside her husband as they watched a play. She was holding his hand as he was shot. She never recovered fully from his death. It was a death that Lincoln himself had reportedly foreseen in a dream some three days earlier. The assassination of Lincoln stunned the nation.His body was mourned for three weeks at it was toured through the cities of the North. Public grief was immense for perhaps the most extraordinary figure in political history. Today the look of the gaunt tall and severe man is as familiar to us as our own fathers. Indeed to many, Abrah am is the Father figure of America. We can only hope, equal so many before us that we too can live up to the vision and the dreams that he left for us. Behind his statue lie the famous words of the Gettysburg address, in which the president extolled, That this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, by the people, for the people shall never scrag from the earth.They are words that are as relevant to us today as the day on which they were first spoken. How ironic then that in the same speech the President said that the words spoken there would not long be remembered. Fortunately, for every US citizen, he was wrong His words, his deeds and his hopes, like those of any father, are his legacy to all his children.Sources used in this speech and related informationAbraham Lincoln Birthplace http// Abraham Lincoln On-line http// weave/creative/lincoln/speeches/last.htm CV for Abraham L incoln http//
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