Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Managing Diversity and Equality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Managing Diversity and Equality - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the British labour market is a highly diverse one and, according to available statistics, is continually moving towards greater diversity. According to 2005 data released by the Office of National Statistics, 5.4% of the current labour force is foreign, with EU and former Commonwealth migration statistics, among other non-British sources of labour inflow, indicating a continual increase. The previous year, 2005, was witness to the largest ever influx of foreign workers to Britain, totalling approximately 400,000. In addition to that, diversity statistics indicate that ethnic minority groups comprise approximately 8% of the current workforce; 25% are non-Christian; and around 12% are disabled. Statistics pertaining to gays and lesbians are indeterminate, largely because of a lack of national surveys but, are estimated to stand between 5-7%. The implication here is that the British workforce is, incontrovertibly diverse; a fa ct which poses challenges to organizational management. Over the past thirty years, legislature has effectively acknowledged the reality of the nation's existent and, ever-increasing, gender, ethnic, racial, religious and cultural diversity and has sought its positive address. From 2003 to 2006, Employment Equality regulations addressed the issues of all of age, religion/belief and sexual orientation, effectively establishing the legal and regulatory framework for both the prevention of direct and indirect discrimination against minority group employees while, at the same time, outlining the imperatives of equity. Prior to that, all of the Equal Pay Act (1970), the Sex Discrimination Act (1975), the Race Relations Act (1976) and the Race Relations Amendment Act (2000), among others, sought to ensure against both direct and indirect discrimination in the provision of goods and services and within the workplace. Consequently, from the legal and regulatory perspective, Britain has take n the requisite steps to ensure that its minority groups are extended the necessary opportunities for integration and assimilation. While the legal and regulatory framework provides against both direct and indirect discrimination in the workplace, the fact remains that it did so largely because it outlawed the aforementioned. It imposed a toleration of differences upon employees and co-workers but, does not establish the mechanism for directing either to look beyond the differences or, indeed, to accept, rather than simply tolerate them. From the perspective of the management sciences, the aforementioned can function to inhibit efficient and effective operation; can stand as an obstacle towards the articulation, let alone realisation, of strategic objectives; and can offset the design and subsequent dissemination of a unifying organizational culture. Of equal importance is the potentially negative effect it can have upon teamwork. At the same time, if managed efficiently, the benefi ts of a diversified workforce can reflect upon both financial and non-financial performance indicators. The concept of diversity management arose from within this context. It aims, not only to achieve more than toleration for differences but, the realisation of the benefits of workforce diversity for the organisations in question.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Self Reflection Paper Essay Example for Free
Self Reflection Paper Essay As a young boy growing up in a rural town (Dublin, VA) in Southwest Virginia, the furthest thing from my mind was â€Å"learning styles†. We had one stop light, a tight knit community where everyone knew everyone. The only learning we concerned ourselves with consisted of the lake, the river and the local church grounds. We went fishing, we liked to swim and participate in local sports activities (whatever sport that was relevant at the time) against local neighbor kids. Our learning was not about how we learned; it was about fitting in and learning how to be a great fisherman and a good athlete. What was important was fitting in both socially and athletically. I came from a family where education wasn’t important. The community, working hard and making a living were the important aspects of life. Learning style and school were the furthest things from my mind. However, once I started high school it all changed, I realized I had a dream to pursue. During high school it was my dream to play college football. Randy Flinchumm a special teams football coach made me realize that I was capable of living my dreams. He said â€Å"Son you have the talent to make it to college on your abilities, but your grades have to get better to qualify you to get into college†. I never took school seriously; it was boring and I struggled with the subjects I was trying to learn. I found classes were difficult. For me, classes which were fun and interesting were those that included charts, diagrams and physical activities that would allow me to stay focused and to really understand what I was learning. I had never heard of learning styles until now, here at the University of Phoenix. While taking Com/516 and reading an article called â€Å"Different Strokes: Learning Styles in the Classroom†, I have learned about three learning styles. There are three: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. In the article â€Å"The Effect of Learning Styles on Education and the Teaching Process†by Ibrahium, he tells us that visual learning is where the student uses items such as charts, pictures, diagrams and animations to learn. He also explains further that auditory student’s use listening as means of learning and kinesthetic learners use physical activities rather than watching and listening to a demonstration.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Tre Graffiti Paradigm: The Art of the Piece Essay -- Visual Art Artis
Tre Graffity Paradigm: The Art of the Piece It’s 11:00 p.m. on a Tuesday when three young men, barely high school age, slip through a chain-link fence and into a New York City trainyard. Each carries a duffel bag, from which can be heard the rattling and clanking of spray cans. Six hours later, they re-emerge, their hands stained with paint and their bags almost empty. What have they done? Inside the yard now stands a freshly painted mural, sixty feet wide and twelve feet high. The work is the result of weeks of designing and planning, and with luck it might last as long on the train as it already has on paper. What the boys have done, what has taken place inside that trainyard, is a work of art. [Let us begin with a basic assumption. One may object to graffiti on social or moral grounds, but only in the most conservatist terms can it not be considered â€Å"art.†Any idea of art which does not go out of its way to disinclude vandalism will, in fact, contain graffiti. We will, then, put aside social and moral considerations for the duration, and consider graffiti as art.] What does the work consist of? Who authored it, and how? What is it based on, and how does it relate? What is it, and what will become of it? The answers to these questions, collectively, form an important response to a bigger question: What is art? What does it mean to describe a piece as â€Å"a work of art†? AUTHORSHIP The young men have, in the course of this night, authored a â€Å"piece,†a work of graffiti. In the traditional sense, authorship is defined as the creation of the work. In such a sense, one of these young men is the author of the piece. One of the artists claims the piece as his own, and gives credit to the other two for â€Å"assis... ...ach style is in the distance between the previous styles and the style of the existing piece. Here, then, is the nature of art which graffiti exposes. Art is an activity, not an object; it is something which happens when foundations are developed upon and, most importantly, when new reference points are created. Each new reference point is a work of art; each new reference point is art. Works Used/Further References The quotes at the beginning are from New York City graffiti artists Bando and Seco, and came from Subway Art, by Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper. This book and another, Spraycan Art (by Chalfant and James Prigoff), have been invaluable resources. Another invaluable resource is the ArtCrimes web site, at The definitions above are taken from that site’s glossary, and I found my way to all the pictures from that site as well.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
3 Poems
Republic of the Philippines Tarlac State University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City 73 Poems (A Stylistic Analysis) In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In the course EM9 Introduction to Stylistics Submitted to: Mr. Christopher Ronn Q. Pagco Instructor [1] (listen) this a dog barks and how crazily houses eyes people smiles [5] faces streets steeples are eagerly tumbl ing through wonder ful sunlight [10] – look – selves,stir:writhe o-p-e-n-i-n-g are(leaves;flowers)dreams ,come quickly come [15] run run with me now jump shout(laugh dance cry sing)for it's Spring [20] irrevocably; and in earth sky trees :every where a miracle arrives [25] (yes) you and I may not hurry it with a thousand poems my darling [30] but nobody will stop it With All The Policemen In The World (E. E. Cummings, 73 Poems) Introduction Stylistic is very different from studying literature. That is why it is really difficult to do a stylistic analysis than to do a literary an alysis. Because when doing a literary analysis, you just focus on the elements of the story and the theory being used. It is totally different when doing a Stylistic analysis, which you should always be based on facts. That is why doing a stylistic analysis is really factual and complicated. In doing a stylistic analysis, we try to explain how the words in the text create feelings and meanings. I will be analyzing the 73 poems of E. E. Cummings. I will show you the stylistic features of the poem. Edward Estlin Cummings was born October 14, 1894 in the town of Cambridge Massachusetts. His father, and most constant source of awe, Edward Cummings, was a professor of Sociology and Political Science at Harvard University. In 1900, Edward left Harvard to become the ordained minister of the South Congregational Church, in Boston. As a child, E. E. attended Cambridge public schools and lived during the summer with his family in their summer home in Silver Lake, New Hampshire. E. E. loved his childhood in Cambridge so much that he was inspired to write disputably his most famous poem, â€Å"In Just-â€Å". Not so much in, â€Å"In Just-†but Cummings took his father's pastoral background and used it to preach in many of his other poems. In â€Å"you shall above all things be glad and young,†Cummings preaches to the reader in verse telling them to love with naivete and innocence, rather than listen to the world and depend on their mind. Attending Harvard, Cummings studied Greek and other languages. In college, Cummings was introduced to the writing and artistry of Ezra Pound, who was a large influence on E. E. and many other artists in his time. After graduation, Cummings volunteered for the Norton-Haries Ambulance Corps. En-route to France, Cummings met another recruit, William Slater Brown. The two became close friends, and as Brown was arrested for writing incriminating letters home, Cummings refused to separate from his friend and the two were sent to the La Ferte Mace concentration camp. The two friends were finally freed, only due to the persuasion of Cummings' father. E. E. Cummings experimented with poetic form and language to create a distinct personal style. A Cummings poem is spare and precise, employing a few key words eccentrically placed on the page. Some of these words were invented by Cummings, often by combining two common words into a new synthesis. He also revised grammatical and linguistic rules to suit his own purposes, using such words as â€Å"if,†â€Å"am,†and â€Å"because†as nouns, for example, or assigning his own private meanings to words. Despite their nontraditional form, Cummings' poems came to be popular with many readers. Stylistic Analysis Before I start the analysis itself, let me tell first my initial interpretation of the poem. This is my general interpretation of the poem. 73 poems is a book which is a collection of poems by E. E. Cummings. It has 73 pages and each poem does not have any title. The poem that I will be doing a stylistic analysis is found on page 63. The fact the E. E. Cummings did not make or put a title in each poem gives the reader the permission to give their own title. So for reference, I will use the word ‘Spring’ as a title. Since, it is the first word in the poem written in capital letter. Cummings’ poems are difficult to interpret because they contain striking irregularities. Many of E. E. Cummings poems that I have read appear to all the joy and new things it brings in life but other works symbolizes negativity to mankind. ‘Spring’ is a reference for a new life. It is a beginning. I have related it in the life of everyone. After the winter which can be a symbol of problems and struggles, we people are happy in the fact that spring is coming which can be a symbol that every problem has its ending and solution. When you are somehow forgetting God and not putting Him in the center of your life, it is like everything is wrong. But when you put Him in the center of your life, everything seems alright. When everything goes wrong just keep your faith. You will feel blessed and at ease at all times. And this new life with the Lord is ‘Spring’. I came up with this interpretation by merely looking at the words and by reading beyond the lines. Linguistic Stylistic Features I easily noticed that the poem consists of many nouns and verbs. NOUNSMAIN VERBSADJECTIVESADVERBS doglistenwonderfulcrazily housesbarkseasily yestumblingquickly peoplelookirrevocably smilesstir faceswrithe streetsopening steeplescome (2x) sunlightrun (2x) leavesjump flowersshout dreamslaugh earthdance skycry treessing miracleis poemsarrives policemenhurry worldstop 192114 The nouns are mostly concrete and only two are abstract (dreams and miracle). Nouns that are related to nature are dog, leaves, flowers, earth, sky, trees, miracle and world. Nouns that are related to human are houses, eyes, people, smiles, faces, streets, steeples, dreams, poems and policemen. There are no neologisms and no morphological deviation which Cummings is fond of using. It makes use of directive verbs which addresses to another person such as (listen, look, come (2x), run (2x), jump, shout, laugh, dance, cry and sing). The most striking aspect of deviation in ‘ Spring’ is the constant use of lower case letters instead of capital letters which is known as the graphological deviation. It is very typical of Cummings’ poems so I will no longer give significance to it. Cummings’ desire is to break the normal convention. The effect of graphological deviation is to foreground the words which are written in capital letters. Since ‘Spring’ is the first word which is written in capital letter, I can say that it plays a big role in the meaning of the poem. Some of the words are really written in a strange manner. In lines 7 and 8, Cummings divides the word tumbling so that the progressive morpheme –ing appears on a separate line. In these lines, the verb appears to tumble from one line to the next. I think it is a way for us to understand the action being done as an important concept in the poem. In lines 8 and 9, the word wonderful runs across the morphemes (wonder and ful). I can interpret it in two ways, the noun wonder and the adjective wonderful. There is astrong element of foregrounding in the last stanza (With All The Policemen In The World) since the words start in capital letters which make it stand out. There is also lack of phonological parallelism, obvious lack of punctuation and it follows the grammatical ordering which follows the rules of syntax. Perhaps, Policemen is used because they are the stereotype example of powerful people. There is also the second pronoun (you) in line 26 and it has an addressee referred to ‘my darling’ in line 29. Suggesting that there is a romantic relationship between the speaker and whomever he is referring or addressing to. Semantic Deviation In lines 12 and 13, (o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are(leaves;flowers)dreams). In line 13, leaves and flowers mean that they are physically opening. Dreams cannot actually open. It breaks the rule of subject-verb-object. It will be more appropriate to say the leaves and flowers are opening. It makes me arrive to the interpretation that the poet’s dreams are opening metaphorically. In line 2 (this a dog barks). The possible explanation of this is that this is used to show that the speaker is referring to a specific dog, but a is used to show that the speaker is not sure of the dog’s name. Grammatical Deviation Cummings used much punctuation where it would not be necessary. Example is in lines 12 and 13 (o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are(leaves;flowers)dreams). This phrase is being bracketed where punctuations are not needed. In lines 3 to 6 (how crazily houses/eyes people smiles/faces streets/ steeples are eagerly) and in line 22 (earth sky trees) groups of nouns are often run together without punctuation. Cummings split the progressive participle ‘opening’ into its component letters (o-p-e-n-i-n-g). The hyphens are used to express that opening of Spring is a long, drown out process and slow. The following line (are(leaves;flowers)dreams) contains no spaces between words and punctuation marks. Dynamic verbs such as in line 10 (-look-) which comes with hyphens on both sides, the initial verb in line 14 (,come quickly come) which starts with a comma and in line 11 (selves,stir:writhe) which is connected by a colon and lack of space which makes them foregrounded. Actions are foregrounded in different ways. In line 15 (run run) I noticed that there is repetition of words. In lines 16, 17 and 18 (with me now/jump shout(laugh dance cry sing)for) the verbs occur in unpunctuated list. Tense Most of the verbs are in present tense. The simple present tense are barks (line 2), is (line 9) and arrives (line 24). There are present progressive verbs such as are eagerly/tumbling (lines 6, 7 and 8) and o-p-e-n-i-n-g/are (lines 12 and 13). There are also progressive present participles (tumbling and opening) indicates the ongoing nature of action. There are also four adverbs of manner which convey sense of speed (quickly), excitement (crazily, eagerly) and inevitability (irrevocably). Sound Patterns I found the repetition of particular sound which is in the phonological order. There is a degree of phonological parallelism in each stanza except the last two stanza. There are 3 repetitions of vowel sounds. how crazily houses (line 3) eyes people smiles (line 4) steeples are eagerly (line 6) †¦wonderful sunlight (lines 8 and 9) , come quickly come (line 14) sing) for it’s Spring (line 19) Conclusion The effect of foregrounding is to make it unusually easy for us to understand the poem. Actually after doing the stylistic analysis of the poem, I never thought that the real meaning of the poem is very superficial because on my interpretation is something that is not explicitly shown. And knowing E. E. Cummings’ of poems most of them or maybe a lot of them entails deeper meaning which you as a reader should really think of the possible interpretation of the poem. And ‘Spring’ is an exception to that. Now that I have analyzed the poem stylistically, I am in the position to give the meaning of the poem. ‘Spring’ is an active and dynamic poem since most of the words express movements and it involves senses. The poem is to be address to a lover that nobody can stop the love that he feels for the love if his life. It is also to acknowledge the inevitability of the natural world. With All The Policemen In The World expresses that nothing or nobody is able to stop the progression of Spring or the poet’s love to his addressee. Reflection Essay â€Å"Am I able to do it? †that is the question that really tickled my mind and bothered me a lot. Stylistic analysis is a new endeavor for me. It is very far different from doing a literary analysis and critizing a literary piece which I am comfortable and confident in doing. When I am doing the analysis itself, I can say that the feeling is really vague. It is like I am on something and I do not know where and what to do. I do not know how to start. But as I am on the process of doing the stylistic analysis, I felt a part of me feeling fulfillment. The most important thing that I have learned in doing the stylistic analysis is discipline as how foregrounding is the corner stone of stylistics. Because I believe that discipline is the corner stone for you to achieve something that you want. Discipline comes from the heart. I know that this is the reason behind why I was able to do my stylistic analysis. I have the heart and the passion in doing this. Patience is also a virtue that I have developed. Because doing a stylistic analysis is a long process. It does not stop on finding and noticing the foregrounded parts of the poem. You have to prove and say your piece of why and how that part of the poem is foregrounded. You have to go back to the lines on the poem many times. You have also to devote your time in analyzing the poem because you are basing your works on facts and not by merely looking the words on the poem. At first, I admit that I will be having a hard time doing it. But as I go through the process and making the first move, I found myself having fun and enjoying what am I doing. Doing a stylistic analysis is something that we should not be afraid of. In fact, it is an easy thing to do as long as you are guided with the correct steps to follow in doing the analysis. As I did the analysis of the poem, I found myself proud. Proud in the fact that, I finished my analysis with my own blood and sweat. It made me somehow feel that I am a certified sylistician even though it was only my first time to do a stylistic analysis. Upon finishing my analysis, I have reflected that stylistic analysis is like life. It is like the authors of poems. They write poems using their own perspective and style because that is what they like. Nobody is dictating them to do so. Another thing is that doing a stylistic analysis is a process. In this way, life also follows a certain process. A good example of this is that, when you want to achieve something, start from the basic step before you can go to a more difficult one, life is really a process, you cannot get want you want with just a blink of an eye. It is something that we should always work for. The stylistic analysis helped me in many ways. Not only on the virtues that I have developed, the discipline but also the academic value it taught me. It made me see the world of literature vividly. I can say that literature is really an interesting work of art. References: http://www. lancs. ac. uk/fass/projects/stylistics/sa1/example. htm http://famouspoetsandpoems. com/poets/e__e__cummings
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
More than a Lesbian Novel Essay
Anna Maria Moix is a Spanish novelist, journalist, essay writer, poet and a translator. â€Å"Julia†is her first novel which is an autobiographical novel. Many characters and incidents from this novel are influenced by her life. The novel â€Å"Julia†is a very beautiful and thought provoking novel by Moix. It is called as a lesbian novel. According to some critics, in Julia, the pedagogical scene of seduction is subverted by making it lesbian scene. Julia’s relationship with her teachers like Senorita Mabel and especially Eva is shown as lesbian type of relationship. While some critics oppose it by putting forward the opposite opinion. According to them the relationship between Eva and Julia is much more than a lesbian one. â€Å"The title character in this novel embarks on a relationship with Eva, her literature teacher. Though the novel suggests a sexual dimension to the relationship, it never makes the sexual dynamics patently clear, and Julia never becomes fully aware of her sexuality. For her, Eva represents mother, friend, and lover. †[1] Thus critically it is described as a lesbian novel. It is because of the inclination of the female protagonist towards Eva and some other women. Lesbian concept is not a new concept for the European writers. Virginia Woolf, Jeanette Winterson and other many writers have written on lesbian theory. Winterson â€Å"Written on Body†in this case is such an unusual novel in which the readers never realize whether the narrator on whom the entire story is woven is male or female character. It might be perhaps because the female authors could not explain the lesbian theories openly due to the social constraints. Hence that she has indirectly put the theory of lesbianism Julia was published after a great scrutiny because writing on lesbianism or homosexuality was a taboo in the society. Now on such background the question arises whether the novel â€Å"Julia†is really lesbian or it is about something more. As per my observation, though it has the references of obsessive and intense relationship of the protagonist Julia with her literature professor, it cannot be concluded that it is entirely a lesbian novel. In Julia Anna Moix has unfolded the gloomy and devastated life of the protagonist right from her tender age to entire life. The author has given more focus on the mental and psychosomatic condition of the protagonist Julia which appeals more than her lesbian tendency. According to Katharina Wilson â€Å"it is a story of a â€Å"self destructive adolescent psyche of a teenager. ††She states, â€Å"Her first novel Julia (1970) though narrated in the third person is intensely subjective and intimate, drawing the reader immediately into the inner monologues of a tormented and self destructive adolescent psyche. †Katharina Wilson also writes, â€Å"In exploring the dark world of divided self, obsessed by a lost double from the past (the sixteen years old Julia), Moix also delicately alludes to the problem of sexual identity as it takes shape in the form of unconscious lesbianism. †[2] Though Julia was closely attached with many women in her life she is not entitled lesbian. The circumstance in which Julia grows has to be taken into account. These circumstances compel her to attract towards women. She loves women not out of any attraction but because she hates men. Her experience about the men was very sickening. At the very tender age of six she was raped by Victor who was their family friend. And this was the reason that the repugnance for men developed in her mind and a strong and striking need for a female grew in her mind. In short Moix is persistent about explaining the inner mind of Julia. â€Å"Julia,†the novel published in 1970, describes about typical teenager young college girl. Julia, who is in love with her literature professor Eva and decides to commit suicide out of the nervous breakdown when she comes to know that she cannot keep romantic relationship with her female partner due to social bondage and threats,. Eva for Julia is more than just a sexual partner. For her she is like a mother and in her loneliness she just wants Eva to be with her. â€Å"She only wanted to be close to Eva. She wanted her presence and nothing else. †[3] The story starts with the protagonist mental condition when she is there in the hospital lonely and totally broken hearted. Here the author has vividly depicted each and every facets of the complex mind of the protagonist. Why she has been called as a lesbian, just because she has intense love in her mind for a female figure? This is not the only reason. The subterranean â€Å"raison d’etre†is that she wants a female figure under whose shelter she can be safe and secure. She cannot find the security and safety in the arms of any man, because for her man is just like a wolf who has crunched into her body as well as mind. Her childhood was a like a nightmare for her because of the very unfortunate experience of the rape. This is the reason why Julia wanted to keep herself far away from the men. Her relationship with Eva is thus dignified by the author which according to her not unusual and wrong. Julia’s mother was never close to her and she wants to experience the real love of the mother and for that she has chosen Eva, who is her mother in her imaginations â€Å"Eva is for Julia a mother, a sister and a friend. There is an attempt to ‘explain away’ lesbianism not as desiring women, but as fear of men. †[3] Here I would like to refer the story by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Anderson, â€Å"The Little Match Girl,†who was shivering and almost dead because of hunger and cold. At that time for getting herself warm she lit a stick from her matchbox and the small and tiny light of the little stick gives her hundreds of beautiful dreams from which she doesn’t want to come out. Eva’s presence for Julia is like a warm in the deadly winter. Eva is like an Oasis in the deserted life of Julia. But Eva’s presence is nothing but a hallucination. Eva is like a lighthouse for the ship of Julia’s life. When she realizes that this lighthouse is collapsed she cannot survive herself and then she decides to end her life. â€Å"Over a course of a sleepless night the 20-year-old Julia recollects instances from her past as she lies in a hospital bed following a suicide attempt. Her intense physical aversion to men and recurrent obsession with a series of strong female figures would seem to stem from traumatic childhood experiences, including her rape at the age of 6 by a family friend and the emotional deprivation felt in the relationship with her mother. †[4] From Julia the author brings forward her opinion that the lesbians are not women who love women but who hate men. Rather than calling this novel as a lesbian novel we can say that it is the novel depicts the rebellious attitude of the women who have been for years and years tormented by the patriarchal and male dominated society. This novel is also called a novel of relationship. Rather the theme of relationship constantly remains dominant rather than the lesbianism. Moix reveals the different ridges of relationship in it. The author has outspread the different types of relationships of the protagonist right from her childhood, her relationship with her family members, the deteriorated relationship between her and her mother, the death of her beloved brother Rafael, her relationship with her older brother Ernesto, Every where we find the blemished relationship. In the crowd of the people the Julia seems to be alone and isolated. The failure in maintaining the relationship can cause the mental and psychological damage of the person. Anna Moix tries to show the complexities of the relationship as well as the lack of harmony among all the characters. The novel represents such society where the family system is collapsed. This novel is the symbol of the society which has lost the family values and morality. The characters are shown self centered and no one seems to bother about the rest of the members of the society. Relationship is lacking with every character. Julia is searching for the love in the female figures. She has to search it from the outside world because she is not finding it in her family members. The relationship of Julia with her mother which ought to be very close, and there aught to be a natural attachment and affection between mother and daughter is in reality very stained. Her mother is shown as a self centered who never tries to know what exactly her daughter expects, and what exactly her responsibility towards her daughter. We strongly feel it when we read the scene of rape done on Julia by the Victor. At that time she needs her Mama’s tender touch and her love and solace but she was abdicated ruthlessly by her mother. â€Å"She would escape from Victor and run to mama, who was talking and laughing nonstop, ignoring her. Little Julia would tap her on the arms, and Mama would ask: Do you want a coke? No. And she would keep on touching Mama until, irritated, she would yell at her or slap her, and little Julia burst into tears. Aurelia – Mama called – put her to bed, she is unbearable. †[5]She needs love, pampering from her mother which is her Psychological and quite natural need. But this basic need is also never fulfilled by her mother. She knows that she is a big burden for her mother and this feeling creates more and more insecurity in her mind. This pampering she is searching in another woman. In Julia the author also focuses on the growing materialism in the society. Everybody is involved in gaining the worldly pleasure. Everybody is careless and is not in position to think of the other. Julia’s brother is a homosexual. There is total miscommunication between the relationships of Julia’s parents. Everybody has chosen their own path life in which they don’t want to involve other family members. Under the roof of one house they are living like strangers. They don’t want to share their happiness, their sorrow with the others. Why life has become so difficult for the protagonist? Why does she want to escape from her present? Why can’t she accept the present bravely? Why does she prefer to stay in her past life? These are very important questions arise while the reading of the novel. Julia is not a novel which just propounds the theory of lesbianism but it is the psychological novel which focuses on the mental condition of the protagonist. The protagonist is caught by the split personality. Young Julia is not ready to accept the fact of her being young and she wants to be in the past. The incident of rape has been carved on her mind so intensely that she prefers to live the life of listlessness and detachment. She prefers to live an isolated life. â€Å"As her remembrances peel away the layers of her past, she reveals chilling details of a life filled with alienation and unhappiness. [6] This is the reason why she cannot face the relationship with the opposite sex. The horror experience becomes her inability to enter into the relationship with opposite sex. When Carol kisses her she feels it as a nightmare and it reminds r the incident of her violent rape. â€Å"a beach, rocks, a sea urchin, the paddle boat floating on the sea. †(Page 209, Julia) There is a constant conflict in her mind, the conflict of two different personalities, Julia and Julita. Julita is her past which is being more and more dominated. â€Å"Her schizophrenic experience eventually leads to an unsuccessful suicide attempt. According to German Bleiberg â€Å"The novel is relentless psychological whodunit, narrated as the interior monologue of the disturbed and intermittently suicidal young protagonist. †[7] The novel consists of the series of memory of Julia’s life right from her childhood to the present day. â€Å"These memories carry from her childhood to her present traumatic psychological stagnation. †[8] Julia has locked herself in deep pains. Her pains are like a web which the protagonist fails to break. Her story is necessarily thought from psychological point of view. When we start thinking from that perception we realize that this is not just a lesbian novel. It is a deep and thorough study of human psyche. And when we change the angle of our thoughts and starts thinking from the point of view of the protagonist, we start feeling sympathetic about the protagonist. The entire novel seems to be haunted by a weird silence. A voiceless ness is spread around the protagonist. She is completely fed up of all types of relationships and the people that she wants to stay alone. She rather feels safe in her loneliness. That is why when she arrives in the city she feels as if she is captured in the cage. â€Å"The noise, continuous movement of cars and buses, and the sight of so many people in the streets made her feel dizzy. †[9] Julia was blamed by the other school children for being silent and for not mixing with anybody. â€Å"She found herself forced to stay locked up in the classroom for four hours in the morning and three in the afternoon, sitting behind a desk, among twenty other girls. She didn’t talk to anybody. If they asked her something, she answered with a fewest possible words. After a week at School, they called her â€Å"the girl who doesn’t talk. †[10] Thus apparently it seems a lesbian novel but if we consider the other factors of this novel we realize that the story has a depth and it wants to tell us something else and lesbianism is just one of the parts of the novel. Thus this novel focuses many factors such as a world of chaos and anarchy, the broken frame of the family structure, the voiceless ness, materialism and self centered attitude of the modern society, lack of communication between the human beings, the physical and psychological exploitation of the women by the society and the spoiled human relationships. This novel also reveals the psychological problems which arise due to the loneliness insecurity and individualism. Being a typical feminist novel it throws the light on various above factors which are more dominating than the lesbian theme. Sources: [1] (Page 4, Spanish Literature, glbtq literature, http://www. glbtq. com/literature/spanish_lit,4. html) [2] (Page 853, â€Å"An Encyclopedia of Continental Women Writers,†by Katharina M. Wilson, Published by Tailor & Francis) [3] (Page 4, â€Å"Julia,†Anna Moix, Sandra Kingery , published by University of Nebraska Press, 2004) [3] (Page 287, â€Å"Who’s who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History†, By Robert Aldrich, Garry, Published by Routledge, 2001) [4] (Page 199, â€Å"A New History of Spanish Writing by Christopher Perriam†, published by Oxford University Press. ) [5](Page 41, Julia, Written by Anna Moix, translated by Sandra Kingery, University of Nebraska Press, 2004) [6](Page 140, â€Å"Dangerous Virtues†, By Ana Maria Moix, Margaret E. W. Jones, published by University of Nebraska Press, 1997) [7] (Page1107, â€Å"L-Z†, by German Bleiberg, published by Greenwood Publishing Group. ) [8] (Page 37, â€Å"Queer Transitions in Contemporary Spanish Culture,†By Gema Perez-Sanchez, published by Suny Press. ) [9] (Page93, â€Å"Julia†Written by Anna Moix, translated by Sandra Kingery, University of Nebraska Press, 2004) [10] (Page93, â€Å"Julia†Written by Anna Moix, translated by Sandra Kingery, University of Nebraska Press, 2004)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Pronounce Chongqing, One of Chinas Major Cities
How to Pronounce Chongqing, One of Chinas Major Cities Learn how to pronounce Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ), one of Chinas major cities. Its located in South-west China (see map) and has almost 30 million inhabitants, although much less live in the urban center itself. The city is important because of its manufacturing and is also a regional transportation hub. In this article, we will first give you a quick and dirty way of how to pronounce the name if you just want to have a rough idea how to pronounce it. Then I’ll go through a more detailed description, including analysis of common learner errors. The Quick and Dirty Way of Pronouncing Chongqing Most Chinese cities have names with two characters (and therefore two syllables). There are abbreviations, but these are rarely used in spoken language (the abbreviation for Chongqing isÂ æ ¸ . Heres a brief description of the sounds involved: Listen to the pronunciation here while reading the explanation. Repeat yourself! Chong - Pronounce a shorter choo in choose plus -ngQing - Pronounce as chi- in chin plus -ng in sing If you want to have a go at the tones, they are rising and falling respectively. Note: This pronunciation is not correct pronunciation in Mandarin. It represents my best effort to write the pronunciation using English words. To really get it right, you need to learn some new sounds (see below). Pronouncing Names in Chinese Pronouncing names in Chinese can be very hard if you havent studied the language; sometimes its hard, even if you have. Many letters used to write the sounds in Mandarin (called Hanyu Pinyin) dont match the sounds they describe in English, so simply trying to read a Chinese name and guess the pronunciation will lead to many mistakes. Ignoring or mispronouncing tones will just add to the confusion. These mistakes add up and often become so serious that a native speaker would fail to understand. How to Actually Pronounce Chongqing If you study Mandarin, you should never ever rely on English approximations like those above. Those are meant for people who dont intend to learn the language! You have to understand the orthography, i.e. how the letters relate to the sounds. There are many traps and pitfalls in Pinyin you have to be familiar with. Now, lets look at the two syllables in more detail, including common learner errors: Chà ³ng (second tone) - The initial is a retroflex, aspirated, affricate. What does that mean? It means that the tongue should feel like the tongue is slightly curled backwards as when saying right, that there is a small stop (a t-sound, but still pronounced with the described tongue position) followed by a hissing sound (such as when urging someone to be quiet: Shhh!) and that there should be a sharp puff of air on the stop. The final is tricky in two regards. First, English doesnt really have a short vowel in this position. Its reasonably close to choose but should be short. Second, the nasal -ng should be more nasal and further back. Dropping you jaw usually helps.Qà ¬ng (fourth tone) - The initial here is the only tricky part. q is an aspirated affricate, which means that its similar to the ch above, but with a different tongue position. The tongue tip should be down, lightly touching the teeth ridge behind the lower teeth. -ing should have the same nasal as above, too, but with an i and an optional schwa (roughly the vowel sound in English the) inserted after the i and before the nasal. The are some variations for these sounds, but Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ) can be written like this in IPA: [ʈʂÊ °uÅ‹Â tÉ•Ê °jəŋ] Note that both sounds have stops (the t) and that both have aspiration (the superscript h). Conclusion Now you know how to pronounce Chongqing (é‡ Ã¥ ºâ€ ). Did you find it hard? If you’re learning Mandarin, dont worry; there arent that many sounds. Once you’ve learned the most common ones, learning to pronounce words (and names) will become much easier!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Kierkegaard Vs. Nietzsche
Existentialism is based on the idea of individual existence, subjectivity, and the individual's freedom of/and choice. The task of existential thought is to locate or create meaning given the ambiguity of human existence. Existential themes are not limited to a particular time period. We often still explore them in connection with philosophy of race, questions concerning war, violence and justice, societal values and our education system. These themes can be linked to all aspects of human race. Orderly reasoning and acting systematically is avoided at all costs in Existentialism thought. Both Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are noted most for their random ways of exploring and expressing their ideas. They both used many different literary styles to express their thoughts. Kierkegaard, who was a Danish philosopher disagreed with the thoughts of traditional ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato. He disagreed with the thought of the highest ethical goods as being universal as many other philosophers do. He viewed an individualistic approach to the ultimate good. Kierkegaard said individuals have their own specific destiny. Each individual has his or her own freedom to choose their will to God. He believes institutions transform individuals into anonymous, herds of mindless conformists. He warns that we must be ready for the repercussions from our own decisions. We have to be ready for the consequences at hand. There is both risk and responsibility attached to our use of freedom of choice. Even when matters seem miniscule and unimportant, what a person chooses is always ultimately important. The way one goes about making a decision is just as important as what one ultimately decides. He has been widely associated with his phrase a â€Å"leap of faith.†He regards religious faith as not irrational or mystical but he feels it is suprarational. The suprarational focuses on factors not involving reason alone. T... Free Essays on Kierkegaard Vs. Nietzsche Free Essays on Kierkegaard Vs. Nietzsche Existentialism is based on the idea of individual existence, subjectivity, and the individual's freedom of/and choice. The task of existential thought is to locate or create meaning given the ambiguity of human existence. Existential themes are not limited to a particular time period. We often still explore them in connection with philosophy of race, questions concerning war, violence and justice, societal values and our education system. These themes can be linked to all aspects of human race. Orderly reasoning and acting systematically is avoided at all costs in Existentialism thought. Both Kierkegaard and Nietzsche are noted most for their random ways of exploring and expressing their ideas. They both used many different literary styles to express their thoughts. Kierkegaard, who was a Danish philosopher disagreed with the thoughts of traditional ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates and Plato. He disagreed with the thought of the highest ethical goods as being universal as many other philosophers do. He viewed an individualistic approach to the ultimate good. Kierkegaard said individuals have their own specific destiny. Each individual has his or her own freedom to choose their will to God. He believes institutions transform individuals into anonymous, herds of mindless conformists. He warns that we must be ready for the repercussions from our own decisions. We have to be ready for the consequences at hand. There is both risk and responsibility attached to our use of freedom of choice. Even when matters seem miniscule and unimportant, what a person chooses is always ultimately important. The way one goes about making a decision is just as important as what one ultimately decides. He has been widely associated with his phrase a â€Å"leap of faith.†He regards religious faith as not irrational or mystical but he feels it is suprarational. The suprarational focuses on factors not involving reason alone. T...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Counting and Accounting
Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting Counting and Accounting By Mark Nichol This post lists and describes words deriving from the Latin verb computare, meaning â€Å"sum up,†that, unlike computer and the like, do not closely follow the original spelling. Count derives its diversion from the spelling of computare from its journey to English through Old French, which spelled the verb conter. To count is to add up (â€Å"Count the money†), consider (â€Å"Count yourself lucky you didn’t get hurt†), or record (â€Å"Count me in†). It also means â€Å"depend on,†â€Å"deserve to be considered,†or â€Å"have significance.†A count is a sum, while someone who adds numbers, or a coinlike object used to keep track of numbers, is a counter. (â€Å"Bean counter,†from the notion of using beans for this purpose, is a slightly derogatory term for someone who monitors finances.) That word also described a table at which a moneylender did business and, by extension, came to refer to any similar raised structure in a place of business and, later, in any building, including a house. (Countertop refers to the surface of the counter itself.) Counting is the act of adding up numbers or of marking a sequence of numerals from smaller to larger; however, as a verb, the word pertains to relying on someone or something, as in â€Å"I was counting on you to be there.†The largely obsolete term countinghouse refers to a place used for doing and keeping track of business. â€Å"Counting frame†and â€Å"counting rail†are synonyms for abacus, describing a device using beads strung on wires as an analog calculator. A counting glass, meanwhile, is a magnifying glass used to count threads per inch in fabrics. Count also, in a legal sense, came to pertain to the charges in an indictment for crimes, and in athletics, it describes the ten-second period a fallen boxer is given to resume standing (hence the expression â€Å"down for the count†) and the number of strikes and balls a baseball batter is allowed. (A full count is when the batter has used up the allotted two strikes and three balls, after which the player must hit the ball, or walks to first base on the fourth ball thrown, or is struck out.) The terms of nobility count and countess (and viscount and viscountess) are not related; they derive from the Latin term comitem, meaning â€Å"companion.†Nor is country, which stems from the Latin adjective contra, meaning â€Å"against.†This is also the source of the prefix counter-, seen in words such as counteract, counterfeit, and counterpart. Similarly, countenance is not related; it comes from the Latin verb continere, meaning â€Å"hold together.†Something that can be counted is countable, and the antonym is uncountable. These terms, in reference to words, describe plural nouns that, respectively, do or do not refer to groups of things that can be added up. (For example, cars is a countable noun; but traffic is not.) Countless means â€Å"too numerous to be counted†; unlike its synonym infinite, it has no direct antonym. A countdown is a calling out of numbers, usually from ten to zero or from three to â€Å"go,†to mark the time before something occurs, such as a spacecraft launch or the beginning of a race. A discount is a reduction in price, and to discount is to reduce in price, though the verb also refers to diminishing the significance of a statement. A miscount is an erroneous calculation, and a recount is a calculation that is repeated to confirm that the original calculation is correct; recount also means â€Å"describe an occurrence.†To account is to add up, and an account is an adding up or a description of an incident. Formally, the word describes a record or a statement, or an arrangement with an advertising, banking, or credit business (or an organization that provides internet or email access) or the client or customer with whom a company has such an arrangement. Account also refers to value or esteem, as in â€Å"That’s not of any account to me†(also seen in the informal term â€Å"no-account,†referring to a worthless person), to advantage, as in â€Å"She used her skills to good account,†and to consideration, as in â€Å"I’ll have to take that into account†; it also applies to keeping track of something. The verb account means â€Å"analyze†or â€Å"consider†or refers to justifying, being a significant factor, or causing something. Accounting is the practice or profession of monitoring finances, and one who does so as a career is an accountant; accountability has the more general definition of â€Å"the quality of being able to answer for one’s responsibilities†; the adjective is accountable. The antonym of that word, unaccountable, has two senses- not only â€Å"unresponsible†but also â€Å"inexplicable†or â€Å"strange.†A perhaps unexpected member of the computare family is raconteur, adopted from the same French word and meaning â€Å"teller of anecdotes.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?Plurals of Proper Names
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Motivation and Performance in Washburn Guitars Case Study
Motivation and Performance in Washburn Guitars - Case Study Example The employees at Washburn guitars feel motivated because of their love for the music and the care they have when making the musical instruments. Their unending love for the music inspires these workers and makes them possess a sense of belonging to their needs. These employees have an internal motivation and out of love for the music and art, they feel as if they possess an intrinsic reward, which makes them make a complete set of a guitar. According to Moran (2013), their great passion for their music and art-related jobs make them feel to have achieved their objectives in life and hence they make the finest quality guitars that search best prices in the market. The love and connection for their labor they had with every instrument make them take production to the highest possible level. Most people have greatly credited the production manager at Washburn guitars for the motivational cultures that he established in this firm. The employees at Washburn for a long time have preferred to make d10s guitars, which have been the top-selling musical instrument in the history of this firm. Many music artists term the guitar as durable and have the highest quality and it is very affordable such that even the upcoming artists are able to acquire it. Most clients of the instrument have claimed that the guitar produces the highest quality sound and has the most admired aesthetic features in comparison with the guitars from other firms. The top musicians in the world have preferred to use this guitar from Washburn due to its consistency and this has created an extrinsic motivation for the workers at the firm (Moran, 2013).
Friday, October 18, 2019
To what extent is globalisation a new phenomenon Essay
To what extent is globalisation a new phenomenon - Essay Example hether it symbolizes something â€Å"novel†or a new epoch or merely the most recent and not essentially most important phase in a long historical development. This argument has both an empirical and conceptual aspect. It is debated on the one side that developments and trends connected with the globalization process cannot be compared with the substantiation of internationalization of free flow of products, labour and capital and economic intercourse during the late nineteenth century. According to Dicken (1992), many studies have corroborated that free flow of products; capital and labour were greater in the phases up to First World War than during the last quarter of the twentieth century. (Veltmeyer 13) Further, supporters of globalization are of the view that prior types of this internationalization were not companioned by any extent near the same magnitude of the economic assimilation, and hence it did not end in the formation of an integrated global manufacturing system. Theorists of globalization argue that the whole gamut of change has been buttressed by the enhanced technological process, supported by the increasing role of the multinational corporations and assisted by liberalization and deregulation of market all over the globe. (Griffin and Khan 59-66). These theorists assert that the difference between the present and the past is in the technological conditions of this globalization (a transformation in communication technology and its appropriate policy and institutional frame work (reforms in a free market, measures like structural adjustment) and the magnitude of systematic assimilation or integration. (Veltmeyer 13) When compared to progress during the industrial revolution and the reforms introduced during and after the First World War, the current globalization process has come with liberalization of free flow of products, capital, services, information and technology. Further, there has been deregulation in associated economic atmospheres
Social responsibility as part of the Livity youth marketing agency Essay
Social responsibility as part of the Livity youth marketing agency - Essay Example Society expects corporations to get involved in the community and to act in a socially responsible manner. Customers support companies that are ethical in their dealings with internal and external stakeholders. Social responsibility can be defined as the principle that businesses should contribute to the welfare of society and not be solely devoted to maximizing profits (Investopedia, 2012). A company that believes in the value and importance of social responsibility is the Livity youth marketing agency. â€Å"Livity is a socially responsible youth communications agency that works directly with young people every day to produce co-created campaigns and content for brands, broadcasters, charities and local and central government that achieve client objectives†(Livity, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate ways to achieve social responsibility at Livity. The organization performs advertising campaigns to a diverse group of corporate clients including Google, BlackB erry, C4, Virgin Media and Big Lottery Fund. A way for the company to improve its social responsibility program is by donating the time of its employees to work on projects for nonprofit organizations. The company can set a quota of how many hours it will donate during a fiscal year. Nonprofit organizations interested in labor donations must file an application with the administration of Livity. The expertise of the team at Livity can help a lot of these organizations get noticed by the community. The operations of Livity currently use a lot of paper. Deforestation is a serious environmental problem that must be addressed by corporations worldwide. â€Å"The net loss of the world’s forests is estimated at 7.3 million hectares per year†(Facingthefuture). Some of the causes of deforestation are fires, industrial consumption and population growth. The United States, Europe and Japan consume approximately 22% of the paper worldwide. Livity can take a stance to act in a so cially responsible manner if it changes its paper utilization policy. The company can formulate a long term plan with the ultimate goal being to transform the company into a paperless environment. The use of technological tools is essential for companies to switch from traditional paper usage to a paperless office. A way to train employees to learn how to work in a paperless environment is to expose employees to virtual teams. A virtual team convenes and operates with members linked together electronically via networked computers (Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, 2003). A simple first step to apply social responsibility to paper usage is to purchase only recycled paper. Another option for the company is to substitute the use of pulp based paper with another material. A company in Australia called Papyrus Australia Ltd (PPY) invented a new form of paper called banana ply paper. Banana ply paper is a new form of paper made out of the trunks of banana trees. The trunks of banana trees ar e a renewable source. Livity can negotiate a partnership with Papyrus Australia to license the manufacturing process in order to produce banana ply paper to supply the yearly needs of Livity. An environmentally friendly and socially responsible action that Livity can take is to sponsor a recycling program in the community. The company can set up a recycling program with the scope of covering an area of 100 square miles around the corporate headquarters office. In the future the target is to increment the reach of the program to 500 and 1,000 miles from the corporate headquarters. Some of the materials that will be picked from the homes of the participants of the program are paper, plastic and aluminum. The people that recycle must separate each material into separate bags. The company will also perform recycling in-house.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Describe adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine Case Study
Describe adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine - Case Study Example Adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine In the US, inequalities in the health care units caused many Hmong Americans to lack health care insurance; furthermore, they are usually served inappropriately. Restrains on welfare budgets have also contributed to the poor services offered to the Hmong Americans. Moreover, traditional curing strategies practiced by the Hmong and the American health practices are contributing factors to them being poorly served. The Western health providers never recognize the Hmong American culture. For example, a child with seizures among the Hmong immigrants was diagnosed with epilepsy at a Western hospital. They then sent her home with a complex and varying types of medicines, which the parents administered irregularly. The parents then thought the child was affected by evil spirits, and started treating the child with different remedies including offering animal sacrifices. Since the two cultures did not mingle, the child became brain dead due to a massive seizure, though her people kept caring for her. This shows the significance of cross-cultural medical system (Fadiman 18). When people move to a new place and they have to change their cultural systems, they can use their own cultural processes in understanding the new culture. This is made easier when there is participation on the site of the receiving culture. However, this assistance was not there for the Hmong. Every component of the American culture was very dissimilar to their culture. This entailed house styles and every other external appearance of American culture. They were not helped to understand their new environment apart from the only guidelines they had, which were of the Hmong culture, and this was not applicable to their new environment (Fadiman 19). The American biomedical field is different from those of the Hmong community because their beliefs are etical. Medical students and other medical experts are accustomed to the health care practices dur ing their trainings. For example, according to the American culture, the scientific concerns are the ones that are real and are of clinical significance. The Materialistic approach has influenced how the patients in the hospital are handled. The Biomedical view makes Americans to believe that, magic never exists and there exists no other substitutes apart from what they believe. This has made the American Medical professionals to think that their medical systems are superior globally. Their view is rigid and judgmental and has unpleasant effects when treating patients from the Hmong culture (Fadiman 19). The Hmong people have their beliefs concerning the symptoms and healing of illnesses. They do not depend on the germ hypothesis regarding the causes of diseases, unlike the Americans. To them, diseases are caused by control of spirits, soul loss, and infringement of taboo. Their healers make the identification of illnesses and prescribe the appropriate treatment, unlike the America biomedical system. The adjustments to the system were difficult for the Hmong. The barriers that contributed to the difficulties in getting medical care deliveries are the lack of English proficiency, qualified health interpreters, and lack of clinical terminologies in their language. The cultural obstacle that made their adaptation to American life difficult is lack of trust for the western medication. Furthermore, they lacked awareness of the medical systems. They had negative thoughts concerning the medications, because the health providers did not
Why did China not become a world power in 1500s Research Paper
Why did China not become a world power in 1500s - Research Paper Example The Qing Empire like its predecessor made landmark steps in the expansion of China’s territory by almost half from what the Ming had achieved. This came with a great increase in the population of China and a period of continued peace and prosperity. However, this was short lived and unlike the expectations that China may have competed with the rising powers in Europe, China vanished from the world all the sudden. The cause of this disappearance had begun during the reign of the Ming Empire but had remained unknown for centuries, and historians still debate over this myth. This paper delves into the subject of the history of China after 1500 and analyses possible reasons that might have led to the collapse of the once powerful nation during that period where the territory was under the Ming and the Qing empires. Key words: Dynasty, Ming Empire, Qing Empire, territory, decline. Introduction The decline of China during the period after 1500 can be attributed to the collapse of th e two main empires that ruled over China within the period; the Ming Empire that ruled between 1368 and 1644 and the last empire that was Qing Empire, which ruled over China between 1644 and the late nineteenth century. Both of these empires saw China through a period of massive growth and prosperity in the world stage, but their gradual decline had the impact of taking China down from its position on the world trade stage. The Ming Empire took over power in China in 1368, when the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang obtained â€Å"the mandate†of heaven. The rule lasted for close to 300 years between 1368 and 1644 with the main reason for its success being the growth of industry and the enhancement of free trade with western powers, specifically Europe (Spielvogel, 2008). Prior to the rule by the Ming Empire, China was under the rule of the Yuan Empire. During the last period of the Yuan empire rule that spanned over 40 years, China was struck by drought and famine, an overflow of the Yel low river that resulted in flooding, a severe pandemic of the plague among other natural disasters. This resulted in the death of millions of Chinese people leading to a feeling within the population that the Yuan Empire no longer had the â€Å"mandate of heaven†to rule over China (Willis, 2011). Naturally, this spurred feelings of rebellion among the people and culminated in revolts that began in the 1350s and continued for close to 20 years. The soldiers of the Yuan Empire were overwhelmed and subdued, as the rebel troops took over many Chinese cities and large portions of the country (Spielvogel, 2008). The most successful of these rebel armies was from the south of the Yangtze River and was under the commandeering of Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang led the troops in conquering major cities in China including Beijing, which resulted in the court of the Yuan Empire fleeing northwards. Zhu Yuanzhang then claimed the â€Å"mandate of heaven†and took over as the emperor of the Ming Empire (Willis, 2011). The beginning of the Qing Empire was marked in an almost similar fashion. Established in Beijing in 1644, the empire took over from the Ming Empire by expelling the remnants of rebels of the Ming Empire, who had occupied Beijing at the time. Like the Yuan Empire that had ruled China before the Ming, the Qing Empire was not Chinese (Thackeray & Findling, 2012). The Qing Empire was under the control of the Manchus; a group of nomadic and tribal folk which originated from the north-eastern frontier of China. While it was regarded as a weak and corrupt empire in comparison to its predecessors, the Qing Empire w
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Describe adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine Case Study
Describe adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine - Case Study Example Adjustments of the Hmong to America and to biomedicine In the US, inequalities in the health care units caused many Hmong Americans to lack health care insurance; furthermore, they are usually served inappropriately. Restrains on welfare budgets have also contributed to the poor services offered to the Hmong Americans. Moreover, traditional curing strategies practiced by the Hmong and the American health practices are contributing factors to them being poorly served. The Western health providers never recognize the Hmong American culture. For example, a child with seizures among the Hmong immigrants was diagnosed with epilepsy at a Western hospital. They then sent her home with a complex and varying types of medicines, which the parents administered irregularly. The parents then thought the child was affected by evil spirits, and started treating the child with different remedies including offering animal sacrifices. Since the two cultures did not mingle, the child became brain dead due to a massive seizure, though her people kept caring for her. This shows the significance of cross-cultural medical system (Fadiman 18). When people move to a new place and they have to change their cultural systems, they can use their own cultural processes in understanding the new culture. This is made easier when there is participation on the site of the receiving culture. However, this assistance was not there for the Hmong. Every component of the American culture was very dissimilar to their culture. This entailed house styles and every other external appearance of American culture. They were not helped to understand their new environment apart from the only guidelines they had, which were of the Hmong culture, and this was not applicable to their new environment (Fadiman 19). The American biomedical field is different from those of the Hmong community because their beliefs are etical. Medical students and other medical experts are accustomed to the health care practices dur ing their trainings. For example, according to the American culture, the scientific concerns are the ones that are real and are of clinical significance. The Materialistic approach has influenced how the patients in the hospital are handled. The Biomedical view makes Americans to believe that, magic never exists and there exists no other substitutes apart from what they believe. This has made the American Medical professionals to think that their medical systems are superior globally. Their view is rigid and judgmental and has unpleasant effects when treating patients from the Hmong culture (Fadiman 19). The Hmong people have their beliefs concerning the symptoms and healing of illnesses. They do not depend on the germ hypothesis regarding the causes of diseases, unlike the Americans. To them, diseases are caused by control of spirits, soul loss, and infringement of taboo. Their healers make the identification of illnesses and prescribe the appropriate treatment, unlike the America biomedical system. The adjustments to the system were difficult for the Hmong. The barriers that contributed to the difficulties in getting medical care deliveries are the lack of English proficiency, qualified health interpreters, and lack of clinical terminologies in their language. The cultural obstacle that made their adaptation to American life difficult is lack of trust for the western medication. Furthermore, they lacked awareness of the medical systems. They had negative thoughts concerning the medications, because the health providers did not
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Economics Quiz of Supply and Demand Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economics Quiz of Supply and Demand - Case Study Example With regards to the illustrated situation and the â€Å"ancient internet cable†, the cost can be allocated amongst the three parties equitably in the following way. Due to the fact that the cable that exists in Judah and Eastern Jerusalem accounts for 39 billion in investment, this represents a 40% share of the total project cost as a function of the total being 98 billion Judaic coin. Similarly, the Turkish line represents a further 50% of the total cost of the project with the final 10 percent being build out to the island of Rhodes. In this way, total price can be marginally distributed by ensuring that each responsible party pays according to the percentage rates that their part of the project has necessitated with Turkey paying the highest rate followed by Jerusalem/Judah at ten percent less and finally Rhodes at 40% less than Turkey.
Exchange Shopping Centre Essay Example for Free
Exchange Shopping Centre Essay Running Bare is an active gear store for women. It first opened its first concept store in Putney in July of 2004. It gained reputation as the leading women’s activewear, footwear and swimwear specialist and store in the next few years. This led to the expansion of the store to include the opening of branches in Temple Fortune North London and Tunbridge Wells and the most recent, Australia. With a mission to provide quality sportswear and accessories for women on the lookout for excellent performance gears and wears with a fashion sense. The working philosophy of Running Bare hails from the confidence, success-driven and positive energy that women on the go possess. With an excellent inventory of sports shoe brands such as Asics, Running Bare also uniquely offers technical advice and foot assessment in their stores. Running bare products are expertly designed to augment balance, vitality and strength to the women who war them, giving the much needed support for the type of activities they perform, allowing them to excel. Since women are at the heart of Running Bare, its driving goal is to preserve sophistication and style in each of their product yet providing an exquisite partner for every active woman out there. Running Bare products range from tops, pants/bottoms, fliptops, footwear, accessories, swimwear, trainers and a line of beauty products. Products are also categorized according to activities such as running, fitness, yoga and pilates, swimwear, courts ports and netball. Running Bare stores are located at The Exchange Shopping Centre? High Street Putney,? London SW15 1TW? with contact number, 0208 788 8875 and ? Email:[emailprotected] co. uk? They open from ? 9am 6pm Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday? 9am 7pm Thursday? 11am 5pm – Sunday. To get to this store, you can board the following? BUS ROUTES? 74, 14, 22, 265, 85, 93, 37, 430, 424, 39, 337, 220. The Running Bare Temple Fortune is located at? 7 Hallswelle Parade,? Finchley Road? London NW11 0DL. You can contact them at tel. 0208 458 9375? and Email:[emailprotected] uk. They open from 9. 30am 5. 30pm Monday to Saturday? CLOSED Sunday. If you are taking the tube, you can disembark at Golders Green and then 15min walk or take buses 102 (towards Edmonton), 82 or 460 (towards North Finchley) Runningbare Tunbridge Wells? is located at 201 Royal Victoria Place Royal Tunbridge Wells TN1 2SS. Their contact number is 01892 617 338 and email: [emailprotected] co. uk. They open from 9am 6pm Monday to Saturday and 9am 8pm – Thursday and 10. 30am 4. 30pm – Sunday.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and Reaction To Crime
Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and Reaction To Crime The RAT also known as the routine activities theory was founded in 1979 by two theorists name Marcus Felson and Lawrence Cohen (Miller, Mitchell, Richard, 2006). It was a reaction to crime rate in the US during the years of 1947-1974 states (Cohen Marcus, 1979). This was a time where both crime rate and economic conditions were increasing which made this a very popular theory reason for this was this theory was the only one to address crime at this point in time. Felson and Cohen based their theory on the rational choice model, which meant people made rational decision which was at their advantage and causing very little disadvantage (Akers Sellers, 2004). (Miller, Mitchell, Richard, 2006) The rational choice theory was the main concept in the classical school of criminology. Throughout this essay we will be looking at whether the routine activities theory prevent crime or displace crime. In order for a crime to occur, Felson and Cohen state there are three key elements which need to be present in order for the crime to be successful, these three elements are; a suitable target, a motivated offender, and absence of capable guardians (Cohen Marcus, 1979). (Akers Sellers, 2004) Suggests that if any of the three elements are to be missing the crime will not take place.The RAT is a framework which provides understanding of how crime occurs. Crime could be altered by manipulating any of the elements, therefore the methodology behind the RAT is crime prevention, and focuses on how crime is made. RAT explains that crime is normal and depends on the opportunities. The perfect type of crime which fits the profile of this theory is burglary. Burglary is a type of crime which is can be considered as a property crime, which is widespread in almost all communities. There are two major problems which can be caused by this type of crime;victims lose their possessions and the other is the amount which the crime puts on the individual.Although the RAT is a new theory, it can be said that this theory could help explain many crimes. The RAT is particularly successfully in explaining burglary. The RAT is a crime preventing methodology, only at time does it prevent crime from occurring but most of the time it displaces crime. Since the RAT is based on peoples routine and patterns on daily activates, taking a perfect of a person who works Monday to Friday and return home after work has a very low chances of becoming a victim (assault and robbery), but if that person is to attend major events such as sports, gigs where the amount of contact with people is huge are likely to become victims of a crime. in recent years there have been a lack of capable guardian and a pattern of excessive drinking which have caused death of two girls, although this hasoccurred patterns and movement in everyday life have changed in the last 30 years. It has changed so dramatically that having to remove both guardians from the house is likely to reduce the offenders chances of getting caught during a day time burglary, the RAT argues the point that crime is unlikely to occur when the presences of e lement to exist (Cohen Marcus, 1979). Most crime are result from exploited opportunity, rather than planning the crime they choose to commit crime spontaneously when the opportunity arises, some are more tempting then others. (Felson Clarke , 1998) has said that there are two acronyms which have been put in place to examine suitability of targets for crime, a: VIVA (standing for value, inertia, visibility, and access) and b: CRAVED; concealable, removable, available, valuable, enjoyable, and disposability which are the elements of conceal ability and disposability (Clarke, 1999) Visible target which are worth value are portable and easy to get at. Since RAT looks at the patterns and movement of daily activities for people it is can prevent crime and also at the same time displace crime, if a person can alter any of the three elements can crime could be prevented or displace depending on the outcome of the alteration. Reppetto (1976) has stated that there are five types of displacement. Spatial and territorial displacement-this happen to most common crimes, this is when crime is moved from one place to the other. Several researches have been made to see the movement for example (Chainey, 2000) found that CCTV is effect way to see the reduction in auto thefts and robbery. However some auto theft occurred in surrounding areas, but robberies didnt. Temporal displacement occurs when there is a movement in time when occurring, the crime for example the offender moving from weekday morning to weekend morning, but crime occurs in the same area. Important to RAT as it analysis pattern and movement. Target displacement-occurs when offends cannot get their target due to target hardening and other strategies put in place to stop offenders such as dogs, house alarms etc. Tactical displacement-when the criminal comes up with a new method of committing the crime, for example carjacking was easier 10-15 years ago than today. Functional displacement this occurs when it is difficult for an offender to commit and crime and is forced to commit another crime due to target hardening. In conclusion, there have been several approaches to studying victimology, they have suggested that the understanding the target, understanding the pattern and victim of crime that make offenders more attractive can provide important information and the examination of the crime. Knowing people and places where offenders are going to target and when the crime is likely to occur can be critical in preventing or reducing crime. The RAT is a perfect theory which provides patterns and analysis of day to day activities for individual who are a target, this also provides on which was this attack can be prevented but mostly the way that is can be displaces. This is a piratical theory which can provide information to victims on how to prevent of displace crime f5rom occurring and make them feel safe.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Celtic Lifestyle :: European Europe History
Celtic Lifestyle During the period when the Celts existed, which is approximately 800 BC - 400 AD, they were just a little tribe compared to other large civilizations such as the Romans and Greeks. They still managed to conquer many regions and prove victorious in most of their battles. Who were these Celts that survived numerous struggles? Where did they originate? What kind of social structure did they have? What kinds of beliefs did they have? What sort of weapons and armor did they use in battle? What were some of their military tactics? These are some of the questions that will be evaluated in the following paragraphs. The Celts were tall, fair-skinned warriors who were well built, had blond hair and blue eyes. Some of them washed their hair in lime water to increase the hue of it. Some of them shaved their beards, but others let them grow long. Some also shaved their cheeks and let their moustaches grow so long that they would cover their mouth. While eating, they sat on wolves or dog skins. They ate at low tables, like the Chinese, and were served by young boys and girls. They cooked big quarters, usually from a pig or calf over a fire on a spit and the hero was served the biggest portion. Seeing as how the they were so aggressive and easy to anger, they often fought during meals or challenged each other to fights. The Celts lived in the Western region of Europe called the Normandy region. Normandy is a small region in the north of France, but they spread out from that region through all of France and Belgium. They also conquered areas in the western part of Germany, through the Black Forest region, along the Jura Mountains of Switzerland, along the Alps and to the upper part of Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains. They expanded their region to Spain and Portugal in 600 BC and through Italy, beyond the Alps in 386 BC. In 325 BC - 279 BC, they conquered areas throughout Greece, and in 278 BC they expanded into Asia Minor. But around 250 BC, the Romans regained their power in Italy and pushed the Celts back towards Gaul (modern day France) until 52 BC when the Romans, under command of Julius Caesar finally pushed them out of main land Europe and into England and then into Ireland, where the Celts fended themselves from any further attack from their southern and eastern neighbors.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Islamic Country Business Practice Are Differ from Us Essay
Do I thing business practices in Islamic country are likely to differ from business practices in the United States? If so how? Yes, I agree with this statement that business practices in Islamic country are differ from business practices in the United States. When a business organization is capable and qualified enough to meet up the national demand then they can operate business crossing to the border. When a company operates is business activities more than one country having its own branch office in the host countries then it can be called international business. As multinational business is operated in more than one country so there must be an influence of the several host countries to operation and functional activities of the business. When business practices are doing between Islamic country and United States that time we faces some different between those countries. And those are as follows: Language is the first and foremost aspects of international business. As every country has its own language. They obviously prefer that their language is highly evaluated. Moreover to make them understand it is better to express them in their own language. For Islamic country their local language is Arabic, Hebrew etc. and on the other hand English is the local language in U.S. if they each other language then as a result their profitability will be increased and the growth of the business practices is ensured. Laws are based on the Muslim Holy Book, the Quran. The system is often known as â€Å"Sharia†but their business rules and regulation are not so strict. In United states their laws are very strict for export their product in other countries for this strict rules and regulation it decreased other countries to import product from them. It make difficult to business practices between Islamic country and United States. Religion is also an essential part of a country’s culture which influences business. Islamic countries people are Muslim religious and U.S. people are as Christians, Jews religious. If we want to express it in the way of fashion like western fashion and eastern fashion. Muslim countries like to weal long veil or covered dress whether the western countries like to wear short dress pattern. Islamic countries people are pray five times in a day, they doing fast a whole month of Ramadan, and they follow Friday as holiday. But in U.S. countries celebrate Christmas day and they follow Sunday as holiday. And those different make critical to business practices between Islamic countries and United States. Education also plays a vital role in their purchasing power as well as their attitude and consumption patterns too. If they people are educated in a country the income level and quality awareness must be higher. They will not be price biased rather than they would be quality biased. This thing also differ business practices between Islamic country and United States. The Islamic countries people are tend to be very hospitable and regard treating guests with generosity and warmth as a point of personal honor. The common practice in Islamic country is to shake hand at first meeting and again upon leaving. In Islamic country people maintain closer physical proximity while taking and conversation often involve more physical contact than is common in the United States. When a guest in an Arab person’s home, avoid giving gifts of food or drink. Through this may be common practice in the United States, in the Middle East such gifts imply that the host is inadequate. Product acceptability is also a major point for business practices in different country. Like hard drinks and poke types of product are not allowed in Muslim country but those types of product are available and allow in United States. So it’s also being a different between Islamic country and United States business practices. The weather pattern is also an important aspect of international business practices. For example the clothing pattern of cold country and the high temperature country will not be same. As well as the cosmetics pattern of the clod and hot weather country will not be same. Most of the Islamic country weather is hot so when U.S. goes for their business practices those countries they must match the weather. Business practices are also differing by population, income rate, economic growth rate, heritage so many things are related with business. In fine it can be said that to operate international business efficiently we must have sufficient knowledge of their cultural pattern, their attitude, buying pattern, behavior, response to a decision, sensitive issues of their culture, their belief, and always be prepared to handle any sorts of uncertainty to overcome them. Then we can hope the growth of the business firm in the foreign country in competitive environment and their changing pattern as well durability.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Discussion Question Essay
1. Briefly describe Moore law. What are the implications of this law? Are there any practical limitations to Moore law? Moore’s Law is a hypothesis stating that transistor densities on a single chip double every two years. Moore’s law describes a long-term trend in the history of computing hardware. The number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two years. Moore’s law is a rule of thumb in the computer industry about the growth of computing power over time. Attributed to Gordon E. Moore the co-founder of Intel, it states that the growth of computing power follows an empirical exponential law. Moore originally proposed a 12 month doubling and, later, a 24 month period. Due to the mathematical nature of doubling, this implies that within 30-50 years computers will become more intelligent than human beings. The implications of many digital electronic devices are strongly linked to Moore’s law: processing speed, memory capacity, sensors and even the number and size of pixels in digital cameras.All of these are improving at (roughly) exponential rates as well. This has dramatically increased the usefulness of digital electronics in nearly every segment of the world economy. Moore’s law precisely describes a driving force of technological and social change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Transistors per integrated circuit. The most popular formulation is of the doubling of the number of transistors on integrated circuits every two years. At the end of the 1970s, Moore’s law became known as the limit for the number of transistors on the most complex chips. Recent trends show that this rate has been maintained into 2007. Density at minimum cost per transistor. This is the formulation given in Moore’s 1965 paper. It is not just about the density of transistors that can be achieved, but about the density of transistors at which the cost per transistor is the lowest. As more transistors are put on a chip, the cost to make each transistor decreases, but the chance that the chip will not work due to a defect increases. In 1965, Moore examined the density of transistors at which cost is minimized, and observed that, as transistors were made smaller through advances in photolithography, this number would increase at â€Å"a rate of roughly a factor of two pe r year†. Power consumption. The power consumption of computer nodes doubles every 18 months.Hard disk storage cost per unit of information. A similar law (sometimes called Kryder’s Law) has held for hard disk storage cost per unit of information. The rate of progression in disk storage over the past decades has actually sped up more than once, corresponding to the utilization of error correcting codes, the magnetoresistive effect and the giant magnetoresistive effect. The current rate of increase in hard drive capacity is roughly similar to the rate of increase in transistor count. Recent trends show that this rate has been maintained into 2007.Network capacity. According to Gerry/Gerald Butters, the former head of Lucent’s Optical Networking Group at Bell Labs, there is another version, called Butter’s Law of Photonics, a formulation which deliberately parallels Moore’s law. Butter’s law says that the amount of data coming out of an optical fiber is doubling every nine months. Thus, the cost of transmitting a bit over an optical network decreases by half every nine months. The availability of wavelength-division multiplexing (sometimes called â€Å"WDM†) increased the capacity that could be placed on a single fiber by as much as a factor of 100. Optical networking and dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) is rapidly bringing down the cost of networking, and further progress seems assured. As a result, the wholesale price of data traffic collapsed in the dot-com bubble. Nielsen’s Law says that the bandwidth available to users increases by 50% annually. 2. What is a quad core processor? What advantages does it offer users? Quad-core processors are computer central processing units (CPUs) that have four separate processing cores contained in a single device. Intel and AMD, two popular CPU manufacturers, both produce quad-core processors. Quad-core processors carry several advantages over normal single-core processors, though there is skepticism as to how much of an advantage they are for the average computer user. Multitasking. Perhaps the most significant benefit of quad-core processors is their ability to handle several applications at the same time. When you run a few different programs on a single-core processor, it slows down from running data calculations for many programs at once. With a quad-core processor, each core is responsible for a different process, so even running four demanding programs can be possible without experiencing much delay from a lack of processing power. Future Programs. One of the frequently cited benefits of quad-core processors is that they are â€Å"future proof.†As of summer 2009, there are not many programs that can utilize the full power of a quad-core processor, but programs and games capable of using multiple cores in parallel will be developed in the future. If and when this happens, computers without multiple cores will quickly become obsolete while those with quadcore processors will likely remain useful until developers make programs that can utilize an even greater number of processors. Taxing Processes. Another area in which quad-core processors will yield significant benefits is in processes that require calculations on large amounts of data, such as rendering 3D graphics, compressing CDs or DVDs and audio and video editing. Enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management applications also see a noticeable benefit with quad-core processors. Power Consumption. The integrated architecture of a quad-core processor uses less power than if the four cores were split into separate physical units. This is important, since the amount of electricity required by computer power supplies has risen quickly in recent years. Also, newer CPUs are beginning to use 45nm architecture, which requires less power and produce less heat than the larger 60nm processor architecture. Criticism. Until programs take full advantage of multiple cores, there will not be a significant difference in performance between quad-core and dual-core processors, and perhaps even quad-core and single-core processors. Considering the rapid progress of computer technology, there may be processors with eight, ten or more cores by the time programs are developed that properly utilize parallel processing of many cores. 3. What would be an advantage for a university computer lab to install thin clients rather than standard desktop personal computer? Can you identify any disadvantages? A thin client is an aesthetically slim PC used as an access point for server-based computing. It has fewer parts and requires fewer components to run; hence, it has numerous cost efficiency benefits. Although thin client benefits are remarkable, we must also look into their disadvantages. Thin client computing fits a lot of work environments. Since thin clients do not need to be in the same place as their server, the setup presents thin client benefits that are mostly practical. Clients can be taken into the harshest of work places like dusty desert camps and can be deployed even after the occurrence of a natural disaster. Thin clients are also perfect for environments where space is a big issue. A thin client has an inherent space-conserving attribute since they come in one piece with only the monitor showing while the unit is hidden behind it. Some even mount on walls with only the peripherals and the monitor exposed. Even work places with very little budget room to run air conditioning systems can be expected to gain with thin client benefits in their facilities. The absence of dynamic or moving parts to serve one’s computing purpose entails less generation of heat. This is mainly because thin clients make use of solid state devices like flash drives instead of hard drives. However, as ideal as a server based computing may all seem, there are notable disadvantages which concern costs and performance abilities. Below is a rundown of advantages and disadvantages you should consider before deciding to use thin client computing in your university computer lab. Advantages of Thin Computing: Lower Operational Costs- An office environment where several workstations are involved will access a single server unit, thereby reducing the operational costs covering these related actions: * Setting up the device takes less than ten minutes to accomplish. * The lifespan of thin clients is very long since there are no moving parts inside each unit. The only parts that need constant replacements are the peripherals which are external to the unit. This brings cost efficiency in the maintenance aspect which means when something breaks on the client’s end, it can be as easy as taking a replacement unit to replace the broken one. Even wear and tear is considerably unnoticeable. * Energy efficiency- A thin client unit is said to consume 20W to 40W as opposed to the regular thick PC where power consumption during operation mode consumes 60W to 110W. In addition, thin clients themselves need little to no air conditioning at all, which literally means less operating costs. Whatever air conditioning needed is demanded and supplied at the server area. * Work efficiency- The thin client work environment can be far reaching and extensive; it can provide quick access to remotely located workers, also operating on server-based computing. Superior Security – Since users will only have access to the server by network connections, security measures like different access levels for different users can be implemented. This way, users with lower access levels will not be able to see, know, or in worst case scenarios, hack into the confidential files and applications of the entire organization since they are all secured at the server’s end. It is also a way of securing the data in the event of natural disasters. The servers will be the only machines that need to survive the disaster as the server is the main location of all the saved data. Immediately after the disaster, new clients can easily be connected to the server as long as the server is intact. Lower Malware Infection Risks – There is a very slim chance of getting malware on the server from a thin client. The client inputs to the server will only be coming from the keyboard, mouse actions, and screen images. Thin clients get their software or programs from the server itself. The software updates and virus scanning applications as well as patches will be implemented only on the server. At the same time, the servers will be the one to process information and store the information afterwards. Highly Reliable –Business organizations can expect continuous service for longer durations since thin clients can have a lifespan of more than five years. In as much as thin clients are built as solid state devices, there is less impact from wear and tear through constant use. Disadvantages of Thin Computing: Client Organizations are Subject to Limitations – Since the thin clients do most of their processing at the server, there will be setups where rich media access will be disabled. Some of these concerns are the result of poor performance when simultaneous access to multimedia on the thin client is taking place. Heavy and resource-hungry applications like Flash animations and video streaming can slow the performance of both the server and client. In corporate organizations where video conferencing and webinars are often carried out, presentation of materials and web-cam/video communications can be adversely affected. Requires Superior Network Connection – Using a network that has latency or network lag issues can greatly affect thin clients. It can even mean rendering the thin clients unusable because the processing will not be fluently transmitted from the server to the client. This makes the thin client very hard to use in these cases since the response from the server will affect both the visual and the processing performance of the thin client. Even printing tasks have been observed to hog bandwidth in some thin client set-ups, which can affect the work going on in other units. A Thin Client Work Environment is Cost Intensive – For any plans of converting a regular work station into a thin client work environment, it is advised that comparative cost analysis be performed. Thin client set-ups have been noted to be cost efficient only if employed on a large-scale basis. Comparison of regular workstations using the same number of regular PC units should be made versus a work environment set-up that makes use of a dedicated server and the same number of thin clients. In some cases the cost of installing the server itself is already far more expensive than all the regular workstations combined. This is aside from the fact that a thin client unit can cost as much as a fully-equipped PC. Nevertheless, some argue that the benefits of thin clients, as far as cost and maintenance efficiency are concerned, will offset the initial costs. Besides, as a capitalized investment, the costs can be spread out for at least five years. Still, the excessiveness of the fees involving different licenses, which include software for every station, Client Access Licenses (CAL) for clients and server, as well as tracking and managing licenses, will tie up a substantial amount of business funds and may take too long to recover. Thus, smaller business organizations are advised to carefully consider such costs before venturing into server-based or thin client computing. Single Point of Failure Affects All – If the server goes down, every thin client connected to it becomes barely usable. No matter how many clients are connected, if the server becomes inaccessible, all work processes will come to a standstill thereby adversely affecting business-hour productivity. References
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