Saturday, August 31, 2019
Shadow Kiss Chapter 25
Twenty-five DEAD OR TAKEN AWAY. It wasn't enough that the Strigoi had come and attacked us, that they'd killed Moroi and dhampirs alike. They'd also carried some off. It was something Strigoi were known to do. Even they had limits on how much blood they could drink at once. So they'd often take prisoners to keep as snacks for later. Or sometimes a powerful Strigoi who didn't want to do the dirty work would send his or her minions off to bring back the prey. Every once in a while, they'd even purposely take back captives to turn into more Strigoi. Whatever the reason, it meant that some of our people might still be alive. Students, Moroi and dhampir, were gathered up once certain buildings had been declared Strigoi-free. Adult Moroi were herded inside with us, leaving the guardians to assess the damage. I wanted desperately to be with them, to help and do my part, but they made it clear my part was over. There was nothing I could do at that point except wait and worry with the others. It still seemed unreal. Strigoi attacking our school. How could it have happened? The Academy was safe. We'd always been taught that. It had to be safe. It was why our school years were so long and why Moroi families endured being separated for most of the year. It was worth it for children to have a safe place to go. That was no longer true. It took only a couple hours for them to get a casualty count, but waiting while those reports trickled in felt like days. And the numbers†¦the numbers were harsh. Fifteen Moroi had been killed. Twelve guardians had been killed. A group of thirteen, both Moroi and dhampirs, had been taken away. The guardians estimated that there had been close to fifty Strigoi, which was beyond mind-boggling. They'd found twenty-eight Strigoi bodies. The rest appeared to have escaped, many taking victims with them. For that size of a Strigoi party, our casualty count was still lower than one might have expected. A few things were credited for saving us. One was the early warning. The Strigoi had barely penetrated the school's inner grounds when I'd warned Stan. The school had gone into lockdown quickly, and the fact that most everyone was already inside for curfew had helped. Most of the Moroi victims – dead or taken – were those who had been out in the open when the Strigoi came. The Strigoi had never made it into the elementary dorms, which Dimitri said was largely thanks to me and Christian. They had managed to breach one of the Moroi dorms, however – the one that Lissa lived in. My stomach had dropped when I heard that. And even though I could feel that she was fine through the bond, all I could see was that smirking blond Strigoi, telling me he was going to finish the Dragomirs off. I didn't know what had happened to him; the attacking Strigoi group hadn't gotten far into her dorm, thankfully, but there had been casualties. One of them was Eddie. â€Å"What?†I exclaimed when Adrian told me. We were eating in the cafeteria. I wasn't sure which meal it was since the campus had reverted to a daylight schedule that threw my sense of timing off. The cafeteria was nearly silent, all conversations in low whispers. Meals were the only reason students could leave their dorms. There was going to be a guardian meeting later on that I was actually invited to, but for now, I was confined with the rest of my friends. â€Å"He was with you guys,†I said. I focused on Lissa, almost accusingly. â€Å"I saw him with you. Through your eyes.†She looked up at me over the tray of food she had no interest in eating, her face pale and full of grief. â€Å"When the Strigoi got in downstairs, he and some other novices went down to help.†â€Å"They didn't find his body,†said Adrian. There was no smirk on his face, no humor anywhere. â€Å"He was one of the ones they took.†Christian sighed and leaned back in his chair. â€Å"He's as good as dead, then.†The cafeteria disappeared. I stopped seeing any of them. All I could see in that moment was that room back in Spokane, that room where we'd been held. They'd tortured Eddie and nearly killed him. That experience had changed him forever, affecting the way he now conducted himself as a guardian. He'd grown extremely dedicated as a result, but it had cost him some of the light and laughter he used to have. And now it was happening again. Eddie captured. He'd worked so hard to protect Lissa and others, risking his own life in the attack. I'd been nowhere near the Moroi dorm when it had happened, but I felt responsible – like I should have watched over him. Surely I owed it to Mason. Mason. Mason who had died on my watch and whose ghost I hadn't seen since he'd warned me earlier. I hadn't been able to save him, and now I'd lost his best friend too. I shot up from my chair and shoved my tray away. That dark fury I'd been fighting blazed through me. If Strigoi had been around, I could have burned them up with it, without any need of Christian's magic. â€Å"What's wrong?†asked Lissa. I stared at her in disbelief. â€Å"What's wrong? What's wrong? Do you seriously have to ask that?†In the silent cafeteria, my voice rang out. People stared. â€Å"Rose, you know what she means,†said Adrian, voice unusually calm. â€Å"We're all upset. Sit back down. It's going to be okay.†For a moment, I almost listened to him. Then, I shook it off. He was trying to use compulsion to chill me out. I glared at him. â€Å"It is not going to be okay – not unless we do something about this.†â€Å"There's nothing to be done,†said Christian. Beside him, Lissa was silent, still hurt from when I'd snapped at her. â€Å"We'll see about that,†I said. â€Å"Rose, wait,†she called. She was worried about me – and scared, too. It was tiny and selfish, but she didn't want me to leave her. She was used to me being there for her. I made her feel safe. But I couldn't stay, not right now. I stormed out of the commons and into the bright light outside. The guardians' meeting wasn't for another couple hours, but that didn't matter. I needed to talk to someone now. I sprinted to the guardians' building. Someone else was walking into it as I was, and I bumped her in my haste. â€Å"Rose?†My fury turned to surprise. â€Å"Mom?†My famous guardian mother, Janine Hathaway, stood there by the door. She looked the same as she had when I'd seen her at New Year's, her curly red hair still worn short and her face weathered from the sun. Her brown eyes seemed grimmer than last time, however, which was saying something. â€Å"What are you doing here?†I asked. As I'd told Deirdre, my mother and I had had a troubled relationship for most of my life, largely because of the distance that inevitably came with having a parent who was a guardian. I'd resented her for years and we still weren't super close, but she'd been there for me after Mason's death, and I think we both tentatively hoped things might improve in coming years. She'd left after New Year's, and last I'd heard, she'd gone back to Europe with the Szelsky she guarded. She opened the door, and I followed her through. Her manner was brusque and businesslike, as always. â€Å"Replenishing the numbers. They've called in extras to reinforce campus.†Replenishing the numbers. Replacing the guardians who had been killed. All the bodies had been cleared away – Strigoi, Moroi, and dhampir alike – but the hole left behind by those who were gone was apparent to all. I could still see them when I closed my eyes. But with her here, I realized I had an opportunity. I grabbed hold of her arm, which startled her. â€Å"We have to go after them,†I said. â€Å"Rescue the ones who were taken.†She regarded me carefully, a small frown the only sign of her feelings. â€Å"We don't do that kind of thing. You know that. We have to protect those who are here.†â€Å"What about those thirteen? Shouldn't we protect them? And you went on a rescue mission once.†She shook her head. â€Å"That was different. We had a trail. We wouldn't know where to find this group if we wanted to.†I knew she was right. The Strigoi wouldn't have left an easy path to follow. And yet†¦ suddenly, I had an idea. â€Å"They put the wards back up, right?†I asked. â€Å"Yes, almost immediately. We're still not sure how they were broken. There were no stakes used to pierce them.†I started to tell her my theory about that, but she wasn't up to speed with my ghostly shenanigans. â€Å"Do you know where Dimitri is?†She gestured toward groups of guardians hurrying all around. â€Å"I'm sure he's busy here somewhere. Everyone is. And now I need to go check in. I know you were invited to the meeting, but that's not for a while yet – you should stay out of the way.†â€Å"I will†¦ but I need to see Dimitri first. It's important – it might play a role in what happens at the meeting.†â€Å"What is it?†she asked suspiciously. â€Å"I can't explain yet†¦It's complicated. It'd take too much time. Help me find him, and we'll tell you later.†My mother didn't seem happy about this. After all, Janine Hathaway wasn't someone people usually said no to. But she nonetheless helped me find Dimitri. After the events over winter break, I think she'd come to regard me as more than a hapless teenager. We found Dimitri with some other guardians, studying a map of campus and planning how to distribute the newly arrived guardians. There were enough people gathered around the map that he was able to slip away. â€Å"What's going on?†he asked as he and I stood off to the side of the room. Even in the midst of this crisis, in the midst of worrying so much about others, I could tell that there was part of him that worried just about me. â€Å"Are you okay?†â€Å"I think we should launch a rescue mission,†I said. â€Å"You know we – â€Å" †– don't usually do that. Yeah, yeah. And I know we don't know where they are †¦ except, I might.†He frowned. â€Å"How?†I told him how it had been Mason who'd warned us last night. Dimitri and I had had no time to talk alone since then, so we'd never really debriefed on the events of the attack. We also hadn't really had a chance to talk about what had happened in the cabin. It made me feel weird because really, that was all I wanted to think about, but I couldn't. Not with so much else going on. So I kept trying to shove those memories of sex away, only to have them keep popping up and entangle my emotions further. Hoping I seemed cool and competent, I continued explaining my ideas. â€Å"Mason's locked out now because the wards are back up, but somehow †¦ I think he knows where the Strigoi are. I think he could show us where they are.†Dimitri's face told me he had his doubts about this. â€Å"Come on! You have to believe me after what happened.†â€Å"I'm still having a hard time with that,†he admitted. â€Å"But okay. Suppose this is true. You think he can just lead us? You can ask him and he'll do it?†â€Å"Yeah,†I said. â€Å"I think I can. I've been fighting him all this time, but I think if I actually try to work with him, he'll help. I think that's what he's always wanted. He knew the wards were weak and that the Strigoi had been lying in wait. The Strigoi can't be too far away from us †¦ they had to have stopped for daylight and hidden out somewhere. We might be able to get to them before the captives die. And once we get close enough, I can actually find them.†I then explained the nauseous feeling I'd gotten when Strigoi were around. Dimitri didn't challenge this. I think too many weird things were going on for him to even question it. â€Å"But Mason isn't here. You said he can't get through the wards. How will you get him to help us?†he asked. I'd been thinking about this. â€Å"Take me to the front gates.†After a quick word to Alberta about â€Å"investigating something,†Dimitri led me outside, and we walked the long way to the entrance to the school. Neither of us said anything as we walked. Even in the midst of all this, I still kept thinking of the cabin, of being in his arms. In some ways, it was part of what helped me cope with all the rest of this horror. I had a feeling it was on his mind too. The entrance to the school consisted of a long stretch of iron fence that lay right on top of the wards. A road that wound from the main highway twenty miles away came up to the gate, which was almost always kept closed. Guardians had a small booth here, and the area was monitored at all times of the day. They were surprised by our request, but Dimitri insisted it would just be for a moment. They slid the heavy gate open, revealing a space only big enough for one person to get through at a time. Dimitri and I stepped outside. A headache almost immediately built up behind my eyes, and I started to see faces and shapes. It was just like at the airport. When I was outside of wards, I could see all sorts of spirits. But I understood it now and no longer feared it. I needed to control it. â€Å"Go away,†I said to the gray, looming forms around me. â€Å"I don't have time for you. Go.†I put as much force as I could into my will and my voice, and to my astonishment, the ghosts faded. A faint hum remained with me, reminding me they were still out there, and I knew if I let down my guard even a moment, it would all hit me again. Dimitri was eyeing me with concern. â€Å"You're okay?†I nodded and peered around. There was one ghost I wanted to see. â€Å"Mason,†I said. â€Å"I need you.†Nothing. I summoned back up the command I'd used on the other ghosts just a moment ago. â€Å"Mason. Please. Come here.†I saw nothing except the road in front of us winding off into the winter-dead hills. Dimitri was giving me that look from last night, the one that said he was deeply concerned for my mental health. And actually, I was worried at that moment too. Last night's warning had been the final proof for me that Mason was real. But now †¦ A minute later, his shape materialized before me, looking a little paler than before. For the first time since all this had begun, I was happy to see him. He, of course, looked sad. Same old same old. â€Å"Finally. You were making me look bad.†He simply stared, and I immediately felt bad for joking. â€Å"I'm sorry. I need your help again. We have to find them. We have to save Eddie.†He nodded. â€Å"Can you show me where they are?†He nodded again and turned, pointing off in a direction that was almost directly behind me. â€Å"They came in through the back of campus?†He nodded yet again, and like that, I knew what had happened. I knew how the Strigoi had gotten in, but there was no time to dwell on that just now. I turned to Dimitri. â€Å"We need a map,†I said. He walked back through the gate and spoke a few words to one of the guardians on duty. A moment later, he returned with a map and unfolded it. It showed the layout of campus, as well as the surrounding roads and terrain. I took it from him and held it out to Mason, trying to keep it flat in the whipping wind. The only true road out from the school was right in front of us. The rest of the campus was surrounded by forests and steep cliffs. I pointed to a spot at the back of the school's grounds. â€Å"This is where they came in, isn't it? Where the wards first broke?†Mason nodded. He held out his finger and without touching the map, traced a route through the woods that flanked the edge of a small mountain. Following it long enough eventually led to a small dirt road that joined an interstate many miles away. I followed where he pointed and suddenly had my doubts about using him as a guide. â€Å"No, that's not right,†I said. â€Å"It can't be. This stretch of woods by the mountain has no roads. They'd have to go on foot, and it'd take too long to walk from the school to this other road. They wouldn't have had enough time. They'd be caught in daylight.†Mason shook his head – to disagree with me, apparently – and again traced the route back and forth. In particular, he kept pointing to a spot not far beyond the Academy's grounds. At least, it wasn't far away on the map. The map wasn't particularly detailed, and I guessed the spot was probably a few miles away. He held his finger there, looked at me, and then looked back down. â€Å"They can't be there now,†I argued. â€Å"It's outside. They might have come in through the back, but they had to have left through the front – gotten in some kind of vehicle and took off.†Mason shook his head. I looked up at Dimitri, frustrated. I felt like the clock was ticking on us, and Mason's weird assertion that the Strigoi were a few miles away, outdoors in the daytime, was stirring up my irritable nature. I sincerely doubted they'd gotten out tents and were camping. â€Å"Is there any building or anything out there?†I demanded, pointing at the spot Mason had indicated. â€Å"He says they were going out to that road. But they couldn't have walked there before the sun came up, and he claims they're there.†Dimitri's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. â€Å"Not that I know of.†He took the map from me and brought it to the other guardians to check with them. While they talked, I glanced back at Mason. â€Å"You better be right about this,†I warned him. He nodded. â€Å"Have you†¦have you seen them? The Strigoi and their captives?†He nodded. â€Å"Is Eddie still alive?†He nodded, and Dimitri walked over. â€Å"Rose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There was a strange sound to Dimitri's voice as he brought the map back, like he couldn't entirely believe what he was saying. â€Å"Stephen says there are caves right at the base of the mountain here.†I met Dimitri's eyes, no doubt looking just as astonished as he did. â€Å"Are they big enough – â€Å" â€Å"Big enough for the Strigoi to hide out in until nighttime?†Dimitri nodded. â€Å"They are. And they're only five miles away.â€
Friday, August 30, 2019
How to have a relationship Essay
? A relationship is a way of connecting. The connection could be between people or objects. Listening to my grandmother talk about relationships helped me understand how things have completely changed over times. My grandmother stated that relationships where more valued back then and people stayed together for all the right reasons. She informed me that when you loved someone you loved them like no other. When it came to marriage they lasted longer than they do now. Having a relationship with someone was the thing to do. At one time relationships actually had meaning people were with each other because they loved them. This showed me the commitment part of relationships, when people actually stayed faithful to the person they were with. Nowadays men and woman say I love you just for the fun of it. But be honest everyone you know or knew either ant’s a relationship, has a relationship or has played a role in one either as the main lover or the sideline. Relationships are complicated, complex commitments that we take seriously or play around with like a rag doll. Serious relationships start from the mind knowing what it is that you want how you want it and how you’re going to get it is the first step in committing to a relationship. Yes commitment can be very hard to do. Especially when were accustomed to doing things our own way; without having to answer to someone else. Understanding the person you are trying to commit to is a good way to start a serious relationship. It is important to gather as much information as possible and take as much time as needed to ensure that you know the person that you are in a relationship with. Taking the steps and looking at past relationships can help you understand if the relationship might be what you are looking for in life. It is true that no matter how long you have known a person you may never truly know who that person really is. It is also important to know what we want before committing ourselves in. Whether that relationship is a marriage or just a boyfriend/ girlfriend committing to someone should begin with feelings being involved. Relationships become complicated when you have disagreements, other people etc. I feel that it takes two to make a relationship work and if both parties are not commented then it will never work. It’s like the eighty-twenty rule which explains that one person is giving there all and all and the other person only gives what is necessary at that time. How can a relationship work if both parties are not on the same level and are not committed to each other? Complicating in relationships come from problems that we cause ourselves, from not committing or giving our all to the relationship. As for myself I’ve had a few relationships in my day. Some good ones and then some that I would give anything to take back and wish that I had never committed myself to. Not saying that you would have the same outcome as I did but just make sure that the love is real. If we go into a relationship knowing that we are not there for a long time then it makes the relationship less complicated. In these type situations just make sure that you inform the person with how you feel before going into the relationship. It is important to have a clean understanding of what each party wants. Having false feelings in a relationship can be the most hurtful thing when you actually find out so therefore try to avoid coming into these situations. Communication is a huge part of a serious successful relationship. Communicating with your partner is a very good stress reliever and understanding method. Having communication builds trust and loyalty, which are two other things that are very important in a relationship. When a person is in a relationship they expect their partner to be understanding, have good listening skills and be there when they need you. Sometimes it’s just best to sit back and listen to what the other person had to say. You never know what you might learn about your partner if you just listen. Always remember to keep the lines of communication open throughout the relationship. For me, I think that one of my biggest downfalls in previous relationships is the lack of communication between my partner and me. I also have problems with my partner not being able to support himself and maybe even helping me every now and then, don’t get me wrong I’m not asking him to take care of me in no means what so ever but help every now and then would be good. As I did research on the topic of relationships, I learned that there are several steps that can be taken to have a successful relationship. First it is important to ensure that you trust your partner. Does your partner’s communication lift you just to bring you right back down? How do you and your partner deal with conflict in your relationship? Do you have compatible financial values? When you are thinking about starting a new relationship think about some of these questions. They might help you to understand the relationship better and if that’s what you really want. Maintaining a trusting and lasting relationship is going to require some work on both sides and especially in these times. As long as there is trust and communication between both parties then there is a good chance that the relationship will work. I plan to take my time and know the person that I intend to be in a serious relationship with. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I definitely don’t want to be hurt. I look forward to finding love one day that is meaningful and lasting but until then I will continue to inform my partner how I feel and what I am looking for in the beginning. I will ensure the line of communication stays open.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Should Abortions be Illegal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Should Abortions be Illegal - Essay Example As such, abortion should be illegal given that it does not provide a long term solution to the recurrent problem of unwanted pregnancies especially among the teenagers. Abortion should not be treated as an option but concerted efforts should be made to address the root cause of this problem in every society. Against this background, this argumentative essay is going to argue in favour of the topic which suggests that abortion should be illegal. However, the second part will look at the topic from the other angle where some advocates argue that abortion should be legalised. A synthesis will be drawn at the end of the paper to summarise the main points discussed and defend the argument in favour of the topic. Tribe (1992, p. 3) posits to the effect that â€Å"no right is more basic than the right to live and the untimely death of a young child is among life’s most awful tragedies.†To cause such a death to an innocent soul is a great wrong which deserves to be treated wit h the contempt. The right to life is an inalienable right that is conferred to every person upon birth. However, in some instances, unborn babies are denied this right before even seeing the earth as a result of aborted pregnancies. Basically, abortion can be described as the process of terminating or ending unwanted pregnancies (Wharton, 1989). ... cle/12504-teen-pregnancy-rates-usa/>, The Center for Disease control says â€Å"that the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world whereby one-third of girls get pregnant before the age of 20.†It also states that, a site which is managed by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy has revealed that about 750 000 teen pregnancies are reported annually where eight out of ten of these are not planned. The trend is similar in many countries and abortion should not be treated as a viable option given that teenagers for instance indulge in sexual activities without properly weighing the consequences hence they should not have any legal right to terminate life unless otherwise it is beyond their control. There are many reasons why unplanned pregnancies occur and carelessness is one of them (Gutman, 1987). Some teenagers have misguided perceptions that they want to believe that having sex at an early age ca n prove their manhood or woman hood which is not correct. As a result, unplanned pregnancies are reported and this cannot be the problem of the unborn fetus in the womb given that it is life already developing which must not be ended unceremoniously. It is the responsibility of the mother in particular to ensure that they take preventive measures against unwanted pregnancies. For instance, the use of contraceptives such as pill as well as condoms is another viable way of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Instead of preferring abortion as the last resort, both men and women need to take responsibility for contraception since this is the best alternative to abortion. Abortion is therefore considered as murder hence cannot be condoned. No society likes abortion and the main task is to enable the women to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report Article
Valuation of Corporate Social Responsibility Report - Article Example One of the first findings of the investigation in regards to how Lithuanian companies report social responsibility was that there is a great variation in the content, volume, and indicators disclose by different companies. This can be a problematic issue because investors are not able to compare the information from different companies in a consistent matter. One of the greatest attributes of the financial statements used in the United States by public firms is that they are all prepared in the same manner. Another issue with the practices of Lithuanian companies in regards to social responsibility reports is that very few companies share the information with their shareholders. The culture in this country does not value the importance of social and environmental factors. Most scientists analyze the content of CSR reports separate from reports that illustrate financial information. I believe that this practice might be flawed because the use of a sound corporate social responsibility strategy can greatly impact the behavior of the customers of the company. For instance, Starbucks Cafe is selected by many coffee drinkers over the competition due to its support of green practices such as its use of Fair Trade Coffee. The four main issues included in the CSR report are human rights and human resources, product design and development, environmental protection, and community. The lack of generally accepted principles makes CSR not easily measurable. The firm’s reputation is closely connected to its social responsibility practices. Companies that undermine CSR aspects such as the community can have devastating public relation problems. Back in the late 1990’s Nike Corporation’s reputation hit an all-time low after the revelation of the sweetshops scandal. Many companies use CSR disclosure as an instrument for advertising purposes. On many occasions, CSR information is fragmented in the annual reports, websites, and other company reports. There is a lack of investigations related to valuation methodologies of social information. The GRI framework is an effective methodology used by many Spanish companies to report social information. The GRI is a long-term multi-stakeholder, international process whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines. Non-financial reporting provides information regarding ethical, environmental and social aspects. The essential aim of social reporting is to create a social transparency system for responsible decision making. Other names used for CSR disclosure documents are social progress reports, social responsibility reports, social reports, and sustainability reports. CSR philosophies should be integrated into all company activities in order to increase the efficiency of the firm. Some elements that help companies achieve better CSR results are good stakeholder management and leadership, prioritizing CSR needs, coordination with governmental a gencies, and regulations. Empirical studies showed that in Italy firm stock prices are not affected by the release of CSR reports even if firms pay close attention to social responsibility practices because the Italian financial market is not efficient and transparent. In the United States, CSR reports have the greater impact in investor decisions and ultimately in the prices of common stocks.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
MRI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MRI - Essay Example Slice thickness, is one important parameter, which divides the body part being examined into sections of varying width or thickness. The result of examination depends on the slice thickness. If it happens to be a minute problem, then the slice thickness will be small, because a larger slice thickness might result in erasing small lesions or pathologies. MRI is mainly used to look into the brain and the nervous system of human body to figure out the inconsistencies using the functional magnetic resonance imaging, as these parts happen to be the most delicate parts of human body. Prasad (2005, 292) states that the 'MR images are in effect computer generated visual reconfigurations of physical data such as the relaxation times of hydrogen atoms that are found abundantly in the body.' More than two third of our body is made up of hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen exists in different forms in our body. For example water (H2O), consisting of two H atoms and one O, makes up about 70 percent of human body. In addition Hydrogen atoms are also present in the tissues and fat present in human body. When magnetic energy is sent into our body using radio frequencies, the hydrogen atoms absorb the magnetic rays and send out the same magnetic energy, depending upon the extent of magnetisation. As the nuclei of the hydrogen atoms happen to be in the form of small magnets, so when the magnetic fields change in their surroundings, they respond accordingly. This movement is recorded by the MRI equipment which in turn is analysed by the healthcare professionals to decipher the exact composition. As the experiments started off with an emphasis on nucleus, in early days MRI was known as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Since the process itself is stated to involve very small amount of energy, the normal biochemistry of human body is not affected. The key requirements for performing an MRI include; A strong magnetic field through the primary magnet, emanating out of the a magnetic which could be a permanent, resistive or a superconductive Gradient magnets for fine tuning the magnetic fields The scanning table on which the patient is allowed to lie Attached computers and film for taking the printout of the scan The individual who is to undergo MR imaging is allowed to comfortably lie on a sliding table. The table is then slid into a cylindrical structure which is surrounded by the magnets. Once everything is in position, the magnetic field is turned on; this creates a 2-dimensional image of the particular body part of the person on the computer screens. A coil is placed around the body part/ object which is under observation for MRI, exclusively to pick up the signals for the image. Well, just to make things easier a talk-back system is also in put in place so that after the start of clinging sound the patient doesn't feel uncomfortable, and if required he can communicate with the radiologist. The procedure may last for about 25-50 minutes depending upon the requirements and the complexity of the patient condition. There are in general two to six imaging sequences, each lasting for about 10-15 minutes. Since the process involves magnetic fields, it is therefore advised that anybody having m etallic implants in their bodies must inform the radiologist beforehand, so that adequate
Monday, August 26, 2019
American religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American religion - Essay Example While the Asian Americans came with astonishingly diverse cultures and religions, it is notable that Christianity, amongst all the different creeds, has significantly permeated their varied forms of religious experiences of the Asian Americans as differentiated from that of the other minority groups in America. In the last century, with a huge number of Asians migrating to America, each of them brought their respective kind of religion akin to their culture and their respective ways of life. Hence to the West came Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and other forms of religious faith. While the Asian Americans came with astonishingly diverse cultures and religions, it is notable that Christianity, amongst all the different creeds, has significantly permeated their varied forms of religious experiences. Christianity was predominant as it seemed to have provided answers to the seeming need for a sense of community or belongingness, ultimately leading to the fulfillment of an ethnic desire for their identity development in America. In attributing the Christian faith to be the popular choice of the Asian American immigrants, it is likewise important to recognize the fact that through this newly acquiesced form of religious fellowship, they have been given opportunities for leadership, a feeling of oneness and unity, a remarkable sense of renewed hope in existing in a foreign environment. All told, the Christian congregations have given in effect the much needed resources to enable them to overcome whatever deficiencies they may have in their social status. In an era that is marked by a myriad passion of faith, the religious role has become an integral part in the process of acculturation. The influence of Christianity in this aspect cannot be ignored. The sharing of common socio-cultural traditions and national history among Asians has led them to this closely-knitted socio-religious networking and has given them comfort in their day to day experiences. To say the least, religion has not only given them a most intimate experience, but more so, a widely shared community sharing that bestows on each one the provision of comfort and solace of life's uncertainties and even that of death, in effect inspiring them to achieve their dreams and aspire for renewed hopes to face the realities of everyday life. To a large extent, it can be said that, this religious orientation has in truth and in fact become very crucial to the adjustments in the way of life of the immigrant populace to their new homes in America. The new immigrants, together with their future generation and their Christian faith that holds them together, will undoubtedly continue to strive and also to survive, perhaps even beyond the boundaries of culture or religious transformations. One interesting aspect though in this thought is to ponder on whether indeed being Americanized is simply undergoing the process of being Christianized. If so, what then becomes of the other minority groups in America sans such religious experiences relating to those of the Asian Americans Is it an issue of mere belongingness, the fear of survival or the need for ethnic identity Does this necessitate the need for the minority groups to find the same commonality in their way of life or in their spirituality for that matter From this, it may b e gleamed that religious orientation has basically been crucial in structuring a different way of life for the Asian immigrants to adapt themselves into the stream of American society. Religion has essentially become a part in understanding the disparity that lie between the Asian Americans and the minority groups. Ultimately, the influence of Christianity on the Asian Americans cannot be ignored. The freedom of religion is embodied both in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. While the Universal Decla
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Profational writing sample Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Profational writing sample - Essay Example The above strengths enable me to develop results focused plans, multitask, communicate and listen, make sound decisions firs, delegate tasks, help other when they need me, and have a positive outlook. The traits that were identified and appeared relevant to my career choice include critical thinking, approachable, credibility, results oriented, and persuasiveness. The above traits have always enabled me relate appropriately with people from diverse groups and with varying opinions. From the reports I got, I realized I possess skills such as supervisory skills since I can manage others in a group. Other skills included ability to lead and motivate others, good analytical skills and ability to plan. A combination of the above skills, strength, and traits suggested that I would fit in careers that require me to deal with people, one of which is being a human resource manager. 2) Given the career goals you hope to achieve by completing your degree, which of these categories would you find most helpful in gaining the knowledge that would be most useful to your future career success? Explain why and how in as much detail as possible After completing my degree my goal is to become a human resource manager and I will be required to conduct activities covered in this course and include Strategic HR Management, creating Equal Employment Opportunity, Staffing, Talent Management and Development, Total Rewards, Risk Management and Worker Protection, and Employee as well as Labor Relations. From the above activities, the most helpful to my career as a human resource manager is strategic human resource management. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) entails creating a link between overall strategic aims of an organization and the human resource strategy as well as implementation of the strategies. Therefore, SHRM is universal and enables human resource
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Banking and ICT's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Banking and ICT's - Essay Example Digital technology has greatly reduced the costs of compiling, processing, and distributing information. Information and communications technology (ICT) invigorates markets by enhancing the flow of information, not in creating certainty, but making information more symmetric. The rise of the Internet, for example, has increased transparency, improving the ability of all market participants to determine the available range of prices for financial instruments and financial services (Clemons and Hitt, 2000, 4). Indeed, information-driven disintermediation is not limited to the financial sector: "The flow of information turns client relationships into markets. This phenomenon is cropping up in fields as diverse as travel agencies, real estate and the auctioning of flowers in Amsterdam" (Anon., 1998). The new markets that hand information to consumers also tend to push down prices. This is a dangerous prospect for branded goods like banking products and services, which behave increasingly like commodities. Moreover, technology has continually lowered the transaction costs of direct financing, facilitating the emergence of new electronic markets, payments and settlement networks, and new market-based risk and wealth management systems. Disintermediation is accompanied by securitization. Large firms increasingly raise finance directly from the financial markets. Companies with secure cash flows create securities from (or "securitize") these "assets," the value of which is determined by the volume and reliability of the cash flows (Holland et al., 1998, 222). The securities are then sold publicly or privately to institutional investors. Securitization of assets disintermediates banks from their traditional role of lenders to the corporate sector. Financial deregulation and information technology have both contributed to the growing dominance of capital markets by facilitating access for new issuers and investors. Forces For Change Powerful forces for change are forging the future shape of the banking industry. These include demographic, technological, and regulatory factors. Undergirding these developments is the continuing closer integration of national economies and financial systems through the process known as Globalisation. Changing Customer Needs and Preferences Populations are aging rapidly, at least in the developed Western democracies. The prospect of rising aged-dependency ratios is focusing governments and individuals on alternative means of funding retirement incomes. "Pay-as-you-go" pension schemes, under which the younger (working) generation funds the retirement incomes of the older (retired) generation, are not viable when the aged-dependency ratio rises beyond certain limits. Governments are responding by inducing individuals to make greater provision for their own incomes in retirement, restricting the availability of publicly funded pensions to the genuinely indigent.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Medicine. Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Medicine. Chemistry - Essay Example The hits come from natural sources, such as plants, animals, or fungi. They can also form synthetic sources, such as historical compound collections and combinatorial chemistry. Combinatorial chemistry involves the rapid synthesis or the computer simulation of a large number of different but structurally related molecules. Synthesis of molecules in a combinatorial fashion can quickly lead to large numbers of molecules. Combinatorial chemistry has been used up in industries since the 1990s. But, combinatorial chemistry was there in 1960s when a researcher at Rockefeller University, Bruce Merrifield, started investigating the solid-phase synthesis of peptides. In the 1980s researcher H. Mario Geysen developed this technique further, creating arrays of different peptides on separate supports. Combinatorial chemistry is nowadays used by almost all the pharmaceutical industry. Some researchers have been attempting to optimize the activity profile of a compound by collecting many different but related compounds. On the other hand, advances in robotics have led to an industrial approach to combinatorial synthesis, enabling companies to routinely produce over 100,000 new and unique compounds per year. (Nelapa, Rolfle and Harper, 2006) According to Nelapa, Rolfle and Harper (2006), they say that researchers are creating a virtual library (a computational enumeration of all possible structures of a given pharmacophore with all available reactants), in order to handle the vast number of structural possibilities. This kind of a library, consist of thousands of virtual compounds. The researchers select a subset of the virtual library for actual synthesis that is based upon various calculations and criteria. In the context of luminescent materials obtained by co-deposition of elements on a silicon substrate, work has been continued by several academic groups as well as companies with large research and development programs. In order to improve the biological properties of the compound pharmacophore, the next of drug discovery undergoes synthetic modification of the hits. The quantitative structure-activity relationship of the pharmacophore play an important part in finding lead compounds, which exhibit the most potency, most selectivity, and least toxicity. Pharmacophore is a set of structural features in a molecule that is recognized at a receptor site and is responsible for that molecule's biological activity. (Nelapa, Rolfle and Harper, 2006) Pharmacophores in modern computational chemistry are used to define the essential features of one or more molecules with the same biological activity. Then, a database of diverse chemical compounds is searched for more molecules which share the same features and where these features are a similar distance apart from each other. There are several reasons to find compounds with similar biological activity to known compounds: new compounds may have beneficial effects at different doses, they may be taken up more readily by different tissues, they may have fewer deleterious effects, they may have a different biological half life, and they may be produced more efficiently. In addition, new compounds may not covered by existing patents. (Nelapa, Rolfle
Ethics in Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics in Christianity - Essay Example The Ten Commandments cover ten of the most major ethical points in the Christian religion. These ten ethical concepts range from treating family members and elders with respect, to not committing murder, stealing, or being adulterous. There are also commandments that focus on the the role of God and the purpose of God in the lives of others, making it clear that Christians are not allowed to look to any other god or idol as the one true God. While this may not immediately seem to have anything to do with ethics, as aforementioned God and Jesus play big roles in the ethics that people accept and implement into everyday life. Other idols might not preach the same concepts of ethics, so it becomes vital for Christians to keep their eyes only on God and Jesus to help lead them to the right response.The Bible itself can be viewed as a guideline for Christian ethics. Especially in the New Testament there are stories upon stories about how Jesus treats others, emphasizing on the importance of treating others the way that you would want to be treated. This is yet another method to decide what is considered ethical or unethical in the Christian faith. The Bible is full of these lessons laid down by Jesus and his followers. Absolute truth is when something is true in all times and places, while relative truth is only true at one time and in one place. The only aspect of these ethic principles that are not absolute are the ones in regard to the role of God in the lives of people.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Statista Report Essay Example for Free
Statista Report Essay The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM ? The EGM is the Print Media survey in Spain †¢ Since 1968 †¢ Multimedia: †¢ Newspapers (currency) †¢ Magazines (currency) †¢ Radio (currency) †¢ Cinema †¢ Tv (Referential for meters) †¢ Internet (Referential for meters) †¢ Outdoors †¢ The EGM is the Cross Media survey in Spain 2 The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM Radio n = 36. 000 EGM 2000 EGM Multimedia n = 43. 000 The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM Radio n = 36. 000 EGM 2007 EGM Newspaper n = 32. 000 EGM Multimedia n = 43. 000 3 The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM With these extensions we have two different data for Radio and Newspapers: ? The official data (multimedia+monomedia) ? The multimedia data from the Cross Media Survey Example: In 2007 the official audience of â€Å"El Pais was 2,234,000 readers, and the result for the Cross Media Survey was 2,127,000 readers, some 5% less. The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM The â€Å"Market†accepted the coexistence of two different data: ? â€Å"the official data†, currency for the media, is used in the monomedia advertising plans for Radio or Newspapers. ? â€Å"the other data†is used in the multimedia advertising plan where Radio stations or Newspapers titles are included. 4 The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM Radio n = 49. 000 EGM 2008 EGM Newspaper n = 45. 000 EGM Multimedia EGM Magazine n = 20. 000 n = 30. 000 EGM TV n = 13. 000 The Print Media surveys in Spain EGM The Market demanded the implementation of a Data Fusion Process with the following conditions: ? Audience data for each title, station, etc, must fully coincide with the data that comes from each official source. ? The procedure must be traceable. ? Lastly, it would be convenient that the procedure not imply a long-time frame to come up with presentable data. 5 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion: Origin Interviews: MULTIMEDIA 30. 00 DEMO GRAPHICS OTHERS INTERNET CINEMA OUTDOORS + LIFE STYLE EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION + NEWSPAPERS RADIO MAGAZINES TV MOMOMEDIA NEWSPAPERS + 45. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + NEWSPAPERS + + + MOMOMEDIA RADIO + 49. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + RADIO + + MOMOMEDIA MAGAZINES + 20. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + + MAGAZINES + MOMOMEDIA TV + 13. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + + + TV The Print Media surveys i n Spain Data Fusion. Final Objetive Interviews: MULTIMEDIA 30. 000 DEMO GRAPHICS OTHERS INTERNET CINEMA OUTDOORS + LIFE STYLE EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION + NEWSPAPERS RADIO MAGAZINES TV MOMOMEDIA NEWSPAPERS + 45. 000 DEMO GRAPHICS + NEWSPAPERS + + + MOMOMEDIA RADIO + 49. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + RADIO + + MOMOMEDIA MAGAZINES + 20. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + + MAGAZINES + MOMOMEDIA TV + 13. 000 + DEMO GRAPHICS + + + + + + TV = TOTAL = DEMO GRAPHICS = OTHERS INTERNET CINEMA OUTDOORS = LIFE STYLE EQUIPMENT CONSUMPTION = NEWSPAPERS = RADIO = MAGAZINES = TV 6 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System We used predefined strata of known size in the population: Province (50) x Town Size (2) x Week Day (2)= 200 strata Province (50) x Town Size (2) x Gender (2)= 200 strata (Depending on the Media being fused) We wanted to make sure that the strata of the 5 studies and the sum of the 5 original files amount to the same as the population within each strata: Example: Province Valencia Town Size + 50. 000 Gender Men Population 902,626 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System The sum file of the 5 initial surveys has missing information that we are going to fulfill in 5 steps, adding with each step the information of one of the media with monomedia extention, and the rest of the information that only exists in the multimedia survey. 7 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System In each strata we used a donor-receiving system, assigned the information to each receiver of the closest donor of the available ones, computed the range on the basis of a wide set of variables: Age Role Social Status Weekday Language Household Size Town Etc. Nationality Children in home Sex The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Distances are rank ordered and the pair of most similar individuals is selected: For each stratus h 1 wr1 2 wr2 Receivers †¦ †¦ j wrj †¦ q wrq Donors 1 2 . . i . . p Weight Weight wd1 wd2 †¦ †¦ wdi †¦ †¦ wdp Distance Matrix 8 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Distance matrix is computed and distances are rank ordered from greatest to lowest. Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 8,00 3,00 1,50 2,00 1,00 0,50 8,00 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Pair with the lowest distance between them is selected. Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 8,00 3,00 1,50 2,00 1,00 0,50 8,00 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix 9 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Receiver is pasted donor information Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 8,00 3,00 1,50 2,00 1,00 0,50 8,00 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix Donor weight greater than receiver weight The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Receiver is written in to the fused file with its own weight and deleted from the distance table Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 8,00 3,00 1,50 2,00 1,00 0,50 8,00 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix Donor weight greater than receiver weight 0 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Donor finishes in the table with a weight equal to the difference in weight bettewn that of the donor and that of the receiver Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 7,40 3,00 1,50 2,00 0,40 0,50 7,40 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix Donor weight greater than receiver weight The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Pair with the lowest distance between them is selected. Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 ,10 7,40 3,00 1,50 2,00 0,40 0,50 7,40 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix 11 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Receiver is pasted donor information Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 3,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 7,40 3,00 1,50 2,00 0,40 0,50 7,40 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix Donor weight less than receiver weight The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Receiver is written to the fused file with a weight equal to the donor weight Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: ,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 7,40 3,00 1,50 2,00 0,40 0,50 7,40 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Mat rix Donor weight less than receiver weight 12 The Print Media surveys in Spain Data Fusion. System Donors and their weights: Receiver finishes in the table with a weight equal to the difference in weight Donor is deleted from the distance table Receivers and their weights: Total Receivers weight: 1,10 0,60 1,40 1,80 1,10 5,40 3,00 1,50 2,00 0,40 0,50 5,40 Total donors weight 8 2 6 1 3 7 5 Distance Matrix Donor weight less than receiver weight The Print Media surveys in Spain Conclusions Donor file, Receiver file and Fused file contain exactly the same information in the imputed variables, and this for all the common strata and for all their possible additions. Internal relations among fused variables are kept and are the same for all the files and surveys. For those variables not controlled, distributions should be as similar as possible. Traceability is possible, one can know exactly how many times each record is replicated, and how original interviews are the base for each data. 13 Thank you! WRRS Valencia 2009 14
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Empress Dowager CI XI History Essay
The Empress Dowager CI XI History Essay Empress Dowager Ci Xi was born in 1835. She had two younger brothers. Her father Hui Zheng was a member of the Bordered Blue Banner of the Eight Banners. Bordered Blue Banner was descendant of royal, so she had an excellent familys background. According to annals, she spent her early life in Anhui Province. The earlier period of childhood, she started to learn literature, painting and handwriting. She had been training hard for several years before she moved to Beijing. Ci Xi took apart in a selection program for concubines for the new Xian Feng Emperor. She was a talented girl, so she was one of the few girls selected to be Preparative Concubine. After that, she was promoted to Noble Person after she was selected to serve the Emperors daily life. She was pregnant for the first time in 1855, and she gave birth to Tong Zhi in 1856. Tong Zhi was the only son of the Xian Feng Emperor. So Ci Xi was promoted to Noble Imperial Consort Yi. The Xian Feng Emperor became lazy because of his ba d health, and Ci Xi was good at handwriting, so Xian Feng Emperor looked over the political documents, and asked Ci Xi to write comments on it. So at that time Ci Xi started to contact with politics. British and French troops attacked Beijing in 1860, Xian Feng Emperor took his son and Ci Xi fled Beijing to a safety place called Re He. However Xian Feng was seriously ill at that time, his son Tong Zhi was only 6 years old; its too young to manage the whole country, so Xian Feng Emperor summoned eight of his most prestigious ministers to help his son to manage the country. Xian Feng Emperor died in 1861. After the death of the Xian Feng Emperor, both of his Empress Consort and Noble Consort Yi were elevated to the empress dowager. Tong Zhi became the new emperor and the Eight Regent Ministers tried to reduce the right of the new emperor, but Ci Xi was not satisfied with the Eight Regent Ministers. So she made a plan to arrest them, and killed them with the help of Prince Gong. After that, Ci Xi started to mix in politics. In breaking with tradition, Ci Xi became the first and only Qing Dynasty Empress to rule from behind the curtains. Tong Zhi Emperor died in 1875, Ci Xis nephew Guang Xu became the new Emperor. However, Ci Xi still ruled from behind the curtains. The first Sino-Japanese War was break out in 1894, the result of the defeat the Qing government was forced to sign the Treaty of Shimonoseki. Empress Dowager Ci Xis policy to the war was negative, so after a series of the wars of invading China, we lost our dominion gradually. Empress Dowager Ci Xi died in the Hall of Graceful Bird on 15 November 1908. Empress Dowager Ci Xi, as an emperor had governed the Qing Dynasty for about forty years. When the Qing Dynasty was found at beginning, the emperor not Empress Dowager Ci Xi had set a ban that the imperial harem or seraglio should not participate in the international affairs. When it was Ci Xis turn to govern the whole country, everything seemed changed. She used her beauty to make Xian Feng believe her and they soon got a baby called Tong Zhi. When Tong Zhi emperor controlled the country, it was a bad time. Britain and France united army went through Beijing and attacked and occupied Beijing. Then Xian Feng emperor escaped to a summer retreat. That was absurd that the high status emperor escaped when facing violence. How could the folks look at him? The only thing they responded was laughing at Xian Feng emperor. Just at that moment, Empress Dowager Ci Xi grasped this chance to become herself a psychologist. She came to comfort Xian Feng emperor. But as a pity, he died soon. However Xian Feng emperor knew well about how good or bad Empress Dowager Ci Xi was. So he left an imperial edict to Empress Dowager Ci Xi to prevent her in case she done something harmful. But out of Xian Fengs prediction, Empress Dowager Ci Xi made the imperial in her own hands by using some kind of means. She made herself to be the emperor. How contemptible s he was! When Tong Zhi was died at the age of 21 with sexual disease, it was obvious that Empress Dowager Ci Xi should take over the political power when Guang Xu was too young to take charge of the country. Empress Dowager Ci Xi always insisted on centralism. She suppressed the Taiping Rebellion which was an appeal for peasants` right. But she made it down. She kept the situation which was called centralism. Making the military power hold in her hand, she would not like anyone else to crab anything from her. In 1904, Japan and tsarist Russia made a war because of the territory of China and Korea. It took place in the northeast of China. To everyones surprise, Empress Dowager Ci Xi held the position standing in the middle. Thus made the people lived in northeast of China suffered in great pain. She even could bear that the people who were under her control were in pain not only in physic but also in mental. She made all rights belong to herself. She designed and snared the ministers, judged them with blank commitments. She smashed others` power into ash. She insisted in holding the main power and making everyone who was under her control listen to her. She made a rule which was that anyone could not challenge her position or doubt her ability because all she wanted was the whole nation and the entire power. As a leader, she failed to care about the folks` emotions and even did not know what they really needed and what they worried. She just knew that she had the responsibility to protect her position from being usurped. Not only in her political aspect had she something that made people dissatisfied with her but also in the life aspect. For example, Empress Dowager Ci Xi had a habit that was: where she went, where the meal went. So she did not have a specifically restaurant which was designed to eat. Incidentally, the bowls she used were colored in bright yellow, covered with silver lid, and some of them were decorated with dragon patterns, while others printed the Chinese character shou ¼Ã‹â€ à ¥Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. The each meal of Empress Dowager Ci Xi was contained about 150 dishes. All the dishes were neatly arranged in rows. One row was a large line of bowls, and another row was a line of small dishes, followed by a row of a small bowl, in this case order. When the two female officers came into the bedroom and put the table, they were holding a big yellow food container. Her tea cups were made by pure white jade, and tea trays and lids were gold. Empress Dowager Ci Xi would not eat with other people. When she began to eat, she always ordered the eunuchs to brought silver chopsticks, spoons, etc., and then said: Im sorry you have to stand up when you are having your meal, but these are the rules set by our ancestors. I can not break the rules, even the Queen can not sit in front. Im sure if the foreigners know how we treat the woman in the palace, they would certainly think that we are barbarians. But you will soon find that I practice in front of them is completely different, they do not see merely who we are. Many people think that Empress Dowager Ci Xi was a bad woman in the Chinese history. However, she also had her success.  First of all, Ci Xis struggles are worth for us to learn. In Qing Dynasty, nobody can be greater than her. When she was a child, she had already known that using money to bribe eunuch to be close to emperor. After she lived in the palace, she could deal with a lot of complicated things in correct and experienced ways. Then, she gave a birth to a child who was the only son of her husband-Xian Feng emperor. She was a really clever woman that no other concubines could have babies for the emperor. Secondly, Empress Dowager Ci Xi could deal with things without hesitation. Before Xian Feng emperor dead, he told 9 ministers to control Ci Xis rights. However, Empress Dowager Ci Xi didnt afraid of them. She used the hatreds between the ministers to turn the scale. Finally, she took helm of the state and she controlled her son, which was called attended to state affairs. In addition, she usually deals with things without hesitation, such as 1898 Reform period. Thirdly, Empress Dowager Ci Xi ended feudal society in a quick way. The feudal society in China had lasted for more than 2000 years. It was too long and serious to China to develop capitalism, which made China poor and fall behind other countries in Qing Dynasty. However, Empress Dowager Ci Xi was a luxurious woman and she leaded a luxurious phenomenon around the country. She reduced the money of the government, which leaded to the feudal society in China was ended almost 30 years in advance. In the position of Qing government, Empress Dowager Ci Xi was a guilty person, but in the position of the development of history, she helped China to end the feudal society in a quick way. Fourthly, Ci Xis luxurious hobbies-the Chinese feast and Peking opera, which developed Chinese culture. She loved the two things and many foreigners were interested in imperial banquet. The Chinese feast finally fixed many different styles of cooking. Its unique in the world. She loved Peking Opera and she often heard opera in her palace. In this way, many foreigners could have chances to come into contact with Peking Opera. The secrets and culture of Peking Opera could be spread. So that, Empress Dowager Ci Xi made contributions to Chinese culture. Fifthly, hobbies of Empress Dowager Ci Xi improved the society in the process of modernization of China. Was Empress Dowager Ci Xi an old-fogy? If we find the answer from the Chinese history book, we may say she was, because she suppressed the Chinese reform. However, the time she was in power was a high communicated period with western countries. During this period, she certainly learned a lot from western countries. She imported many new things from foreign to China. Electric lights, automobiles, photos, movies and so on. We think that all of them were completed by courage from Empress Dowager Ci Xi, so we have to admit that she was a wise woman. At last, Empress Dowager Ci Xi brought us a famous world culture heritage-the Summer Palace. When we travelled in the Summer Palace, guiders usually told us that Empress Dowager Ci Xi spent the expense of navy in building the Summer Palace in1888, which leaded that China had failed in the Sino-Japanese War. Who knew that the Summer Palace would be a famous imperial garden where must be visited by foreigners. So, Empress Dowager Ci Xi was not only a guilty person all the time, she also had her ability and success. There is no perfect man or woman in the world. Anybody has good aspect meanwhile he or she has the bad side. No one is absolute bad or good. So, is Empress Dowager Ci Xi good or bad? Everyone has his or her own idea.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Intels International Strategic Management
Intels International Strategic Management Intel has reported a 12% boost in net profits to $2.01bn for the third quarter, contrasted with an income of $1.79bn in the year-ago quarter, on profits up 1% at $10.21bn. Operating profits rise 12% annual to $3.09bn, whereas weak EPS rise 17% to $0.35. (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18) The corporation also repurchased 93 million shares of common stock for $2.1bn throughout the period. It said mobility income rise 18% annual to $4.68bn, whereas digital venture profits fell 3% to $5.31bn, and profits from others chop down 64% to $218m. (Edward 2009, p352-60) Organically, Asia Pacific profits rise 3% to $5.38bn, whereas US profits cut down 9% to $1.88bn. Europe income increases 3% to $1.88bn, whereas Japan profits grown up 7% to $1.05bn. The sales incorporate an after-tax mutilation incriminate of $162m linked with its speculation in Numonyx, a flash-memory cooperative project with STMicroelectronics. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) Product selection, well-built cash flow, promise to positioning innovative technology and market impetus will allocate Intel to outpace peer corporations at a time when trade levels are hard to forecast. (Robert 2009, p134-43) Intels international business Strategy Intel Corporation (Intel) is a semiconductor chipmaker, offering sophisticated technology answers for the technology and communications corporations. (Daft 2003, p27-29) Intels products comprise of microprocessors, chipsets, motherboards, flash memory, and communications infrastructure parts (together with network and entrenched processors), wired and wireless connectivity goods, goods for networked storage space, appliance processors, and cellular baseband chipsets. (Lewandowski and Hà ¶chstà ¶tter 2008, p309-40) Intels consumers comprise original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and original design manufacturers (ODMs), personal computer (PC) and network communications goods consumers, and further manufacturers. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) Its platforms comprise of principles and programs for example wireless fidelity (WiFi) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), hardware and software that might comprise technologies for example Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology), Intel Virtualisation Technology and Intel Active Management Technology (Intel AMT), and other offering services. The corporation functions through three operating parts: digital enterprise, mobility and all other. (Robert 2009, p134-43) In the first segment of 2008, the corporation accomplished the divestiture of its flash memory assets to Numonyx. The Digital Enterprise Group (DEG) offers computing and communications stands for production and service providers. (Robert 2009, p134-43) The goods of this section are integrated into desktop personal computers, the infrastructure for the World Wide Web and project computing servers. DEGs goods comprise microprocessors, and associated chipsets and motherboards premeditated for the desktop (with customer desktop), in addition to enterprise computing market parts and communications systems parts, for example network processors and embedded microprocessors. (Lewandowski and Hà ¶chstà ¶tter 2008, p309-40) The corporation produces platform answers grounded on its microprocessors, chipsets and motherboard goods, which are designed for use in the desktop marketplace section. The other section comprises the digital home cluster, the digital health cluster and the control platforms cluster. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) The digital home cluster performs computing and communications platforms for customers at residence, including amusement applications and customer electronics appliances. Its products comprise microprocessors and chipsets for in house activity PCs, and entrenched consumer electronics designs, for example digital televisions, video recorders and set-top boxes. (Lewandowski and Hà ¶chstà ¶tter 2008, p309-40) The digital health cluster aims international trade prospects in healthcare study, diagnostics and output, and individual healthcare. It concentrates on healthcare information innovative and sophisticated technologies, private health products and bio-medical goods. The channel platforms cluster builds the corporations global existence in international industry. (Jarzabkowski 2004, p529-60) Additionally, it produces platform solutions intended to meet up home industry needs in certain geographies. The corporations business enterprise capital association, Intel Capital, makes equity reserves in technology start-ups and corporations globally. Intel Capital spends in a variety of corporations offering hardware, software and other product services, targeting venture, home, mobility, health, customer Internet and semiconductor production. (Dave 2007, p381-82) Basis of competitive advantages Intel is the global leading semiconductor chip producer, innovating incorporated digital technology platforms for the computing and communications market. (Vaara, Kleymann, and Seristo 2004, p1-36) The corporation has a strong industry place in all of the three sub sections of the microprocessor industry: desktop, mobile, and server. Important product names for Intel consist of: Core 2 Duo, Pentium D and Pentium 4 in desktops; Core 2 Duo, Core Duo and Pentium M in notebooks; and Xeon and Itanium in servers. In 2008, Intel had an industry share of 13.3% in the semiconductor industry, whereas Samsung Electors, the second leading seller, had an industry allocate of 8.7%. (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington 2008, p28-33) Intel has a leading product figure, which it has effectively recognised in spite of operating in a market where products are progressively more becoming commoditised. More prominently, the corporation has managed to magnetise the interest of customers through its Intel Inside product promotion. (Sutherland and Canwell 2004, p10) Business Weeks Interbrand Best Global Brands 2007 has positioned company at the seventh position, with a product worth of $30,954 million. Company has a strong industry position and product image, which augments its bargaining control and enhances shareholder buoyancy. (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington 2008, p28-33) Basis of competitive advantages in international market Traditionally, company has been a principal in introducing innovative technologies, in addition to revolutionary innovative manufacturing processes. Having the mainly superior manufacturing equipment offers noticeable benefits, with lesser cost and the aptitude to manufacture higher performance goods. (Lynch 2005, p18) Company plans to initiate an innovative microarchitecture roughly every two years and incline the next invention of silicon development technology in the superseding years, giving Intel a roadmap for incessant development in its key product lines. (Stacey 2007, p91) In 2008, company started manufacturing microprocessors supported on its 45nm Hi-k metal gate silicon expertise, and is predictable to initiate an innovative micro architecture on 45nm development machinery in 2008. (Edward 2009, p352-60) The corporation is also operational on the 32nm process technology, with strategy to manufacture the innovative technology in 2010. Well-built technological potentials have helped company hasten product growth. The corporations innovative product launches in 2007 incorporated Intel Core 2 Quad, Intel Core 2 Duo processors, Quad-core and dual-core Intel Xeon processors, and Intel Core 2 Duo mobile processors manufactured using 45nm technology. Intel also initiated storage server SSR212MC2 for SMEs operations, and company Ultra Mobile Platform 2007 for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) and ultra-mobile PCs, amongst others. (Edward 2009, p352-60) Intel system of manufacturing amenities, and congregation and experiment facilities, offers it a viable advantage over fables semiconductor corporations, for example Broadcom Corporation, NVIDIA, QUALCOMM, and VIA Technologies. This leading scientific competence enhances the corporations product portfolio. (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington 2008, p28-33) Value chain analysis With the beginning of the E-commerce inducement in 1998 company has came out as the industry giant in the design and production of semiconductors and microprocessors, earlier to execution of E-commerce orders were filled through phones, faxes and overnight parcel carriers. Nowadays this structure produces almost $1 billion sales per month (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18). In terms of value chain notion the company has had extraordinary benefits with the help of E-commerce. Let us examine companys e-commence approach in terms of Value Chain conception. Examining the Value Chain on Intel business both the support activities and the principal actions are conceded out with the help of E-commerce. According to Intels technology journal it shows that Intels E-commerce environment is flattering progressively more multifaceted. (Waters 2005, p15) This development is exponential is the pace of new application being set up and stirring application being upgraded (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18). E-commerce is a very vital and helpful business approach in todays world where workstation and internet are indispensable needs of existence. Intels main achievement or market control apart from the reality that it is the biggest microprocessor in the world is also due to the completion of E-commerce solutions. (Vaughan and Zhang 2007, p1c) Strategic Environment of Intel Corporation Every corporation around the world has to take strategic judgment to maintain in the industry as a business body in the long run. The company is also implementing the common strategic introduced by Porter in creating and supporting a superior performance in the industry. (Tanriverdi and Venkatraman 2005, p97-119) The company is using the Generic approaches to achieve competitive advantage over its opponents and in becoming the industry leader. (Steeve and Joanne 2009, p8-12) Cost Leadership The company is cutting expenditure in its supply chain. Building the correct manufactured goods in the right quantity is an exhausting task. Whats distorted is the companys capability to handle this intricacy. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) The company has re-engineered its supply chain from back-to-back- and when it comes to cutback cost on its supply chain, the companys numbers are uniformly inspiring. In 2004, Intel saved $1 billion of its costs by re-engineering its internal processes. It accumulates another $1 billion in 2005, and it is aiming $500 million more in 2006. (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18) Focus According to Porter the focus approach has two deviations. In the cost focus an organisation seeks a cost benefit in its objective section, while in differentiation focus an organisation seeks differentiation in its target segment (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18). The company seems to employ the differentiation focus variants of the focus approach. The company is still also paying attention on its core product the microprocessors. Without hesitation the company is implementing the Generic approach in its market, by cutting the cost in its supply chain to acquire cost control, by diversifying into diverse products for example health care, customer electronics etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and however focusing on its principal production of microprocessors. In terms of strategic management these are the strategies Intel should take to generate and maintain better performance in the industry in addition to in the market. (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18) Intels Five Rival Forces Strategy There is little opportunity that a new competitor would enter the microprocessors industry and pretence an intimidation to Intel Corporation. A new competitor would require to develop an appropriate microprocessor product, requiring considerable resources expenditures and many years of engineering effort, the expansion of high performance microprocessor equivalent to Intel would possible need no less than fours year (Dodge and Kitchin 2007, p431-45) There are no substitutes for microprocessor but customers have a choice of diverse brands processors. The company has its own suppliers which provide raw materials and the company produces the processors and other devices. In business the major strategy is to convince the buyer and Intel has up to now done a lot to convince its buyers get providing pioneering processors and other devices and however Intels competitors are doing the same. (Page 2007, p28-30) The five competitor forces are present for every corporation but the altitude of impact it has varies from corporation to corporation. The intensity of impact it has on company is quite low comparing to parallel corporations in the same industry. (Robert 2009, p134-43) SWOT analysis Every corporation has internal and external surrounding factors; these factors do affects the performance of a corporation. (Robert 2009, p134-43) Firms have to obtain major strategic decisions to trounce such aspects. To examine the internal environmental aspects affecting companys we us SWOT analysis. Strengths Intels famous Brand name Introduction of innovative products Strong Advertising campaigns Weaknesses Intels world ranking of most powerful brand has dropped 10 places in 2007 Decline of Share price. Opportunity Diversifying into Different products Threats Strong competitors such as AMD, IBM. Intels well-known Brand name is its core force, and there are several other strengths that it has which is technique Intel lead the global industry of microprocessors. Intels world ranking plunged in first quarter of 2007 by 10 places primarily due to strong rivalry by Intels archrival AMD. Intels has assorted opportunities, for instance the diversification into different products. (Robert 2009, p134-43) Corporation has strong threats from its opponent AMD, in order to reduce the intimidation Intel constantly has to be one step ahead of its opponent, and to do so this requires most important premeditated decisions to be made and managed. (Des Laffey 2009, p14-18) PEST analysis To investigate the External environmental aspects affecting Intel Corporation we us PEST analysis Political Lawsuits by the competitors Antitrust law in America Economical Intel sold its XScale processors business to Marvell Technologies Social Intels sponsorship of the science talent search. Technological RD for better performance microprocessors Intel Corporation was criticised by its rivals consequently; it had to face political dilemmas over a period of time. The company sold its XScale processors, on June 2006 the company agreed to put up for sale its communications and application processor units to Marvell Technology, a storage, communications and chip manufacturer, for $600 million (Dorothea 2009, p171-83). The shift was a strategic judgment intended to allow Intel to spotlight its recourses on its core processors and server market. The company also participates in social ascription of the society in 1998 Intel became the representative support of the Science Talent Search held every year in United States. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) This is to glance for new talents for the prospect of the corporation. Intel maintain to research and develop inventive products, RD is decidedly essential for Intel to endure in todays competitive industry, and foremost strategic judgment are concerned on how, when and what to innovate. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) Globalisation drivers in competitive industry Company has entered into various tactical alliances in latest years. In January 2007, Sun Microsystems and Intel formed a tactical coalition cantered on the Intel-authorised Solaris operating system. Sun faithful to bring a complete product of venture and telecommunications servers, and workstations, supported on Intel Xeon processors. (Robert 2009, p134-43) The range of this accord spans Solaris, Java and NetBeans software, and Intel Xeon microprocessors, in addition to added Intel and Sun enterprise-group products. STMicroelectronics, Intel and Francisco Partners signed an ultimate accord in May 2007 to generate an innovative self-sufficient semiconductor corporation from the important assets of their trade, which in 2006 produced roughly $3.6 billion in collective annual profits. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) Intel and Asustek Computer, the worlds leading manufacturer of PC motherboards, announced strategy in June 2007 to build a notebook computer that would cost as little as $200. In December 2007, Intel collaborated with Comstar to build up mobile WiMAX in Russia. (Lewandowski and Hà ¶chstà ¶tter 2008, p309-40) In May 2008, as well as its tactical venture in Clearwire, the new wireless corporation created through the blend of wireless broadband trade of Sprint Nextel and Clearwire Corp, the corporation also penetrated into a tactical accord with the corporation. According to the accord, Intel would employ with manufacturers to implant WiMAX chips into Intel Centrino 2 processor technology-based laptops and other Intel-based mobile internet products. These affiliations and agreements with other market competitors in linked industries facilitate the corporation to develop its products competence, and also develop its visibility and convenience. (Hopfer and MacEachren 2007, p921-34) Organisational structure capabilities for implementing recommended strategy The international semiconductors industry has shown encouraging and healthy escalation rates in current years, and this performance is set to persist. The international semiconductors industry made overall revenues of $243.3 billion in 2007, in lieu of a CAGR of 7.9% for the five-year phase spanning 2003-2007. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) The European and Asia Pacific industries grew with relevant CAGRs of 9.6% and 11.2% throughout the similar era, to attain values of $39.3 billion and $147.2 billion, correspondingly, in 2007. (Mark and Timber 2009, p240-48) The industry is estimate to develop at a CAGR of 9% for the five-year phase 2006-2011, which is predictable to constrain the industry to a worth of $370.5 billion by the end of 2012. The European and Asia Pacific industries will develop with relevant CAGRs of 5.6% and 10.9%, to attain respective values of $51.7 billion and $239.5 billion in 2011. (Edward 2009, p352-60) Making approximately 50% of its profits from Asia Pacific, Intel is well-positioned to faucet the predicted double digit increase rates in the area. As the number one company in the semiconductor market, the corporation is well placed to take advantage of this prospect. (Global Reach 2004, p1) Expanding PC market The international computer industry, including both laptop and desktop machines, is quickly growing. The industrys volume is predictable to increase to 260.8 million units by the end of 2011, instead of a CAGR of 7.2% for the phase 2006-2011. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) The performance of the industry is estimate to step up, with a predictable CAGR of 6.1% for the 2006-2011 phases, which is anticipated to constrain the industry to an assessment of $220.1 billion by the end of 2011. (Dorothea 2009, p171-83) The European and Asia Pacific industries are projected to grow up at a CAGR of 6.1% and 5.4%, correspondingly, over the similar stage, to reach relevant values of $83.5 billion and $53.5 billion in 2011. This increasing PC industry offers a prospect for Intel to expand its returns base. Future strategies The firm produced its Intel Atom processor in March 2008. Intel Atom is the latest product of low-power processors intended particularly for Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) and a group of simple internet-centric computers. Atom is completely depending on an innovative microarchitecture produced to suit diminutive and mobile devices, where the foremost focal point is on low power spending. (Nicolas 2009, p819-25) The innovative processor is the Intels smallest processor, produced with the worlds smallest transistors. Additionally, company launched the Intel Centrino Atom processor in April 2008. These innovative processors facilitate the corporation to enter the mobile internet devices industry. Though, the firms Atom processor, with a power utilisation range of 0.6-2.5 watts, requires additional optimisation to shelter an important existence in the industry. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) By difference, ARM, a key player in the MID and embedded chipset industry, provides a superior optimised system, and chips in the power utilisation vary of 300mW for MID applications. Sustained optimisation of the Atom processors competence would facilitate the corporation to protect its viable advantage and place in the innovative markets. (Murphy 2005, p19) Conclusion Intel faces solid rivalry across a variety of semiconductor product markets in which it functions. Semiconductor manufactures struggle on the foundation of factors for example price, quality, product features, equipment and improvement, and extra features, for example energy competence. (OLeary, Sally and Perry 2004, p338-54) Intels desktop processors participate with products accessible by AMD, IBM and VIA. Intels architecture business competes with AMD. Its server processors battle with those of AMD, IBM, and Sun Microsystems, based on competitor architectures. The companys innovative MID device micro architecture rivals with that of the ARM structural design. (Sandeep and Arvind 2009, p404-14) The companys chipsets rival in a variety of market segments with ATI Technologies, Broadcom, NVIDIA and Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation (SIS). Intel also faces rivalry from firms offering competitor microprocessor structures, for example IBM, which supplies microprocessors to Apple. IBM is as well equally developing a competitor structural design with Sony and Toshiba. Strong rivalry in all its industry segments might corrode Intels industry share and shrink its profitability.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Effective Goal Setting for Teachers Essay -- Theory of Goal Setting
In order to help the high-school principal to motivate the teacher by setting goals, it is important to first define the term ‘goal’. The term goal included the meanings of many related terms like objective, intention, purpose, aim and task (Locke and Latham 1990). However, there are differences between them. According to Locke and Latham (1990), goals can be defined as the purpose of an action, which is what one finally wants to achieve after we have done the tasks or completed an action. For example, a goal for the principal is to increase the results of his year 5 students in NAPLAN tests above national average to attract more students chooses his school. In addition, teachers can be affected mainly in three ways by a setting goal (Locke and Latham 1990). Firstly, goals can help to focus on goal-related actions. Secondly, it plays a role as an energizer; the more difficult the goal is the more efforts teachers will spend on it. Finally, individuals could become more p ersistent if their goals are important to them. In the process to achieving goals, there are different tasks have to be completed at different levels. Hence, compared with goal, tasks are the specific or detailed jobs that we do to achieve the final target. For instance, the goal for the principal is increase the overall results above national level by 15 marks at the end of this year. Several tasks need to complete to achieve the goal. For example, improve the reading skills by assigning three readings and related questions each week to students to raise the reading speed or have a one-to-one tutoring on the writings students submit in order to advance the skills on writing. Dimensions of goals (Specificity and proximity) As we know that, the final goal for th... ...ated by the goal set by the principal. Additionally, the principal needs to provide feedback during the process and he needs to consider some unintended consequences might happen as well. Works Cited Locke, E. and Latham, G. 1990, A theory of goal setting and task performance, Patience Hall, New Jersey, viewed 07 April 2014, ISBN:0139131388. Locke, E. 1996, ‘Applied and Preventive Psychology’, Motivation through conscious goal setting, vol.5, no.2, pp. 117-124, viewed 07 April 2014, ScienceDirect, doi: 10.1016/S0962-1849(96)80005-9. Latham, G. 2007, Work motivation: history, theory, research and practice, Thousand Oaks, Sage, viewed 07 April 2014, ISBN: 9780761920182. Zahorsky, D. n.d., The 5 steps to setting smart business goals, viewed 05 April 2014,
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Leprosy :: essays research papers
Leprosy Leprosy or Hansen’s disease, is a chronic, infectious disease that mainly affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves. A rod shaped bacillus named Mycobacterium leprea, causes the virus. Mycobacterium leprea is very similar to the bacillus that causes tuberculosis. The reason Leprosy is also known as Hansen’s disease, is because it was first identified in 1874 by a Norwegian physician named Gerhard Henrik Armeur Hansen. Leprosy appears in both the Old and New Testaments. In the bible Leprosy was not the disease that is recognized now, but as various physical conditions that were nothing like the disease. A punishment from God was what these conditions were considered to be. The victim was said to be in a state of defilement. This Hebrew term was translated as lepros, which the word leprosy came from.      The disease’s probable origin was the Indus Valley that is located in India. Leprosy spread from there to the Mediterranean region and North Africa, then all of Europe was affected. This disease is much less common now, as the world case count has dropped below 1 million. During 1995 about 530 000 new cases of leprosy were discovered. It is obvious that third world countries have way more cases as India, Indonesia, and Myanmar account for almost 70% of the cases reported in the world. 5500 know cases of Leprosy still exist in the US, and about 200 cases a reported annually.      Tests to produce leprosy in experimental animals, have not been successful as of yet. Though the organism can be grown in Armadillos, several laboratories have been reported cultivating leprosy in the test tube.      Loss of sensation in a patch of skin is often the first symptom that Leprosy displays. In the lepromatous form, large area’s of the skin may become infiltrated. The mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and throat may be invaded by large numbers of the organism. Because of damage to the nerves, muscles may become paralyzed. The loss of sensation that accompanies the destruction of nerves may result in unnoticed injuries. These may result in secondary infections, the replacement of healthy tissue with scar tissue, and the destruction of bone. The classic disfigurements of Leprosy, such as loss of extremities from bone damage or the so-called leoline facies, a lionlike appearance with thick nodulous skin, are signs of advanced disease, now
Oceans :: essays research papers
Oceans      Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that has liquid water. The ocean contains ninety seven percent of the earth’s water and covers almost three quarters of the planet. There are four different oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and the Arctic. Tides and currents occur in all three of these oceans. Many different kinds of fish and mammals also make their homes in these oceans. All of these oceans are connected to each other in some way. Humans find oceans to be very interesting, beautiful, and exploring. All oceans contain salt water and other minerals. The Pacific Ocean has the largest body of water in it. It spreads nearly halfway around the world. The Pacific Ocean is also the deepest ocean out of all four oceans. The Atlantic contains the second largest body of water. Next is the Indian Ocean, which is on the borderline of being a big ocean and a small ocean. Last is the Arctic Ocean, which by all means is the smallest ocean of them all, and the shallowest.      Tides are common features of the ocean. Tides occur when large bodies water rise and fall, because of the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. Spring tides are especially strong tides; in spite of the name they have nothing to do with the season spring. They occur when the Earth, the sun, and the moon are in a line. Spring tides occur during the full moon and the new moon. Neap tides are especially weak tides. They occur when the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun are perpendicular to one another. When water moves from side to side, it is called a current. Currents move warm and cold water to different parts of the ocean.      Ocean water is often referred to as salt water. Ocean water becomes salty as water flows in rivers, it picks up small amount of mineral salts form rocks and soil of the riverbeds. This very-slightly salty water flows into the oceans. The water in the oceans only leaves by evaporating, but the salt remains dissolved in the ocean, it does not evaporate. So the remaining water gets saltier and saltier as time goes on.      Animals of the ocean are really interesting and fun to learn about. Many of the oceans fish use what is called a coral as a nursery and a home. This coral also serves as a shelter to the fish from other big creatures that may want to eat them.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Argumentative Outline Essay
With the advent of technology comes the increasing use of search engines for different purposes. Web search engines such as Yahoo! and Google are effective tools for internet research and finding web-based articles and information. Furthermore, hard-to-find and old written information may most probably be available over the internet through keying in on the search engine. This new trend can help create better opportunities and challenges in the field of academic research.b. Purpose: This paper seeks to present evidences that using web search engines for academic purposes are beneficial to students as online sources are readily available for reading and creating analysis. Additionally, definition of a web search engine, different types of academic search engines, and arguments on the benefits of using search engines for academic research are provided. c. Thesis statement: Academically, web search engines can help in doing research projects and create analysis on each research as searching for information over the internet can lessen the time and effort needed as compared to traditional research, thus, more time and effort will be spent on reading the online materials and in further analyzing the topic. II. Body a. Background Information i. Definition of a web search engine. A search engine is a tool composed of massive databases where an internet user can find information. It is composed of a computer program called spider, crawler, or bot, which searches through the internet to be able to collect the requested information (Jato and Oresiri 055-060). When specific keywords are searched, relevant information will be displayed on the results panel of the search engine. ii. Different types of academic search engines: These search engines are essentially useful for conducting researches related to academic studies and investigation. Academic search engines include Google Scholar (http://scholar. google. com) wherein all disciplines can be searched in several formats such as papers, articles, books, information retrievals (IRs), and open access materials. Advanced search options aid in limiting the searches for a specific author or publication. Another type of academic search engine is the Microsoft Academic Search (http://academic. research. microsoft. com) wherein mostly sciences can be searched. Similar with Google Scholar, advanced search options can limit the searches by author, field of study, journal, and other related fields. This is for the purpose of finding the information in the quickest way as possible. The more filters are set, the more specific the search will be. There are still other academic search engines available online. b. Evidences to Support Claim i. Based on the results of the study conducted by Gary Small, a university lecturer at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Teena D. Moody, Ph. D. , a senior research associate at Semel Institiuite, and Susan Y. Bookheimer, Ph. D. , a psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences university lecturer at the Semel Institute, the rising computerized technologies have the possibility that they have positive physiological effects and potential advantages for middle-aged men and women, as well as older adults. According to Small, brain activities are being stimulated through series of internet searching. The participants involved in the study showed similar brain actions when reading, but had also showed activities in areas which are related to complex reasoning (Claburn). c. Opposing View i. Nicholas Carr, questioned the implication of search engines in an individual’s mind through his article, â€Å"Is Google making us stupid? †From the article, he emphasized that Internet alters the mind. According to the researched performed by the University College London scholars, students who were accessing research sites to look for e-books, online journal articles, and other written information developed a â€Å"skimming activity†habit in which the researcher jumped from one source to another and did not actually read the article (Carr). III. Conclusion a. Using web search engines, it provides me more time for my analysis compared to using traditional research methods, because I can buy reading materials as fast as I have found them in the search engine. I don’t believe that technology will replace people in my career field, or that technology will replace the human element in any field. This is because human intelligence is still necessary in order to create such technology, and without it, the structure of the field will never be complete. The use of technology, for example in writing, is only used as a guide and as a way to save time to further work on writing rather than waste time looking for research materials that may or may not be useful for analysing the topic.
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